Open Nishanth-CNCPMC opened 7 months ago
I also tried integrating inside the videosourcenode of ROS instead of gstreamer but I got the same output. I know that I am doing something wrong, so I would appreciate if you give me some inputs. Thanks.
#include "ros_compat.h"
#include "image_converter.h"
// aquire and publish camera frame
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include <jetson-utils/cudaWarp.h> // Assuming this is where cudaWarpIntrinsic is defined
#include <jetson-utils/videoSource.h>
// globals
videoSource* stream = NULL;
imageConverter* image_cvt = NULL;
Publisher<sensor_msgs::Image> image_pub = NULL;
const float2 focalLength = make_float2(1445.386870f, 1426.720513f);
const float2 principalPoint = make_float2(808.692663f, 268.506265f);
const float4 distortionCoefficients = make_float4(-0.412884f, 0.084565f, 0.010779f, 0.001105f);
bool aquireFrame()
imageConverter::PixelType* nextFrame = NULL;
// get the latest frame
if( !stream->Capture(&nextFrame, 1000) )
ROS_ERROR("failed to capture next frame");
return false;
const int width = stream->GetWidth();
const int height = stream->GetHeight();
float4* undistortedOutput = nullptr;
cudaMalloc(&undistortedOutput, width * height * sizeof(float4)); // Allocate memory for the undistorted frame
cudaError_t error = cudaWarpIntrinsic((uchar4*)nextFrame, (uchar4*)undistortedOutput, width, height,
focalLength, principalPoint, distortionCoefficients);
if (error != cudaSuccess) {
cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Clean up
ROS_ERROR("CUDA undistortion failed");
return false;
if( !image_cvt->Resize(width, height, imageConverter::ROSOutputFormat) )
ROS_ERROR("failed to resize camera image converter");
cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Clean up
return false;
sensor_msgs::Image msg;
if( !image_cvt->Convert(msg, imageConverter::ROSOutputFormat, (imageConverter::PixelType*)undistortedOutput) )
ROS_ERROR("failed to convert video stream frame to sensor_msgs::Image");
cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Clean up
return false;
cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Don't forget to free CUDA memory
// publish the message
msg.header.stamp = ROS_TIME_NOW();
ROS_DEBUG("published %ux%u video frame", width, height);
return true;
Hello @dusty-nv, I tried to use undistort my image by integrating cudawarpintrinsic function into gstcamera but the output starts to throw crap, i.e. it doesn't work as intended. I have attached my modifications to the create function in gstcamera.cpp as per your suggestions here CameraUndistortion. Please let me know if it is the right way to do it.
After this modification, I built the workspace and ran the videoSourcenode with ROS2. And the output was,
Output Video Screenshot: