dusty-nv / jetson-inference

Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson.
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Tried Undistorting but the output is crap #1815

Open Nishanth-CNCPMC opened 7 months ago

Nishanth-CNCPMC commented 7 months ago

Hello @dusty-nv, I tried to use undistort my image by integrating cudawarpintrinsic function into gstcamera but the output starts to throw crap, i.e. it doesn't work as intended. I have attached my modifications to the create function in gstcamera.cpp as per your suggestions here CameraUndistortion. Please let me know if it is the right way to do it.


#include "cudaWarp.h"
const float2 focalLength = make_float2(1445.386870f, 1426.720513f);
const float2 principalPoint = make_float2(808.692663f, 268.506265f);
const float4 distortionCoefficients = make_float4(-0.412884f, 0.084565f, 0.010779f, 0.001105f);
// Modified Capture function to include undistortion
bool gstCamera::Capture(void** output, imageFormat format, uint64_t timeout, int* status)
    // Original capture logic
    if (!output) RETURN_STATUS(ERROR);

    if (!mStreaming) {
        if (!Open()) RETURN_STATUS(ERROR);

    int result = mBufferManager->Dequeue(output, format, timeout);
    if (result < 0) {
        LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstCamera::Capture() -- an error occurred retrieving the next image buffer\n");
    } else if (result == 0) {
        LogWarning(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstCamera::Capture() -- a timeout occurred waiting for the next image buffer\n");

    mLastTimestamp = mBufferManager->GetLastTimestamp();
    mRawFormat = mBufferManager->GetRawFormat();

    // Assuming the format is compatible with CUDA undistortion
    // Allocate memory for the undistorted output frame
    float4* undistortedOutput;
    const int width = 640;  // Known width
    const int height = 480; // Known height
    cudaMalloc(&undistortedOutput, width * height * sizeof(float4));  // Assume 'width' and 'height' are available

    // Apply undistortion
    cudaError_t error = cudaWarpIntrinsic((uchar4*)*output, (uchar4*)undistortedOutput, width, height,
                                          focalLength, principalPoint, distortionCoefficients);

    if (error != cudaSuccess) {
        cudaFree(undistortedOutput);  // Clean up
        LogError(LOG_GSTREAMER "gstCamera::Capture() -- CUDA undistortion failed\n");
        RETURN_STATUS(ERROR);  // Add appropriate error handling

    // Update output to point to the undistorted frame
    *output = undistortedOutput;


// CaptureRGBA
bool gstCamera::CaptureRGBA(float** output, unsigned long timeout, bool zeroCopy) {
    mOptions.zeroCopy = zeroCopy;

    // Original capture logic to get the frame into 'output'
    if (!Capture((void**)output, IMAGE_RGBA32F, timeout, nullptr)) {
        return false; // Capture failed

    // Assuming 'output' now holds the pointer to the captured frame
    // and the format is compatible with CUDA undistortion.
    // Note: Ensure your CUDA undistortion process is compatible with RGBA32F format.

    // Allocate memory for the undistorted output frame
    float4* undistortedOutput;
    const int width = 640;  // Assuming width is known, replace with dynamic width if available
    const int height = 480; // Assuming height is known, replace with dynamic height if available
    cudaMalloc(&undistortedOutput, width * height * sizeof(float4));

    // Apply undistortion
    cudaError_t error = cudaWarpIntrinsic((uchar4*)*output, (uchar4*)undistortedOutput, width, height,
                                          focalLength, principalPoint, distortionCoefficients);

    if (error != cudaSuccess) {
        cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Clean up
        return false; // Handle error appropriately

    // Free the original output memory if not zeroCopy
    if (!zeroCopy) {

    // Update output to point to the undistorted frame
    *output = (float*)undistortedOutput;

    return true; // Return true if everything succeeded

After this modification, I built the workspace and ran the videoSourcenode with ROS2. And the output was,

Output Video Screenshot: Screenshot from 2024-03-23 19-17-39

Nishanth-CNCPMC commented 7 months ago

I also tried integrating inside the videosourcenode of ROS instead of gstreamer but I got the same output. I know that I am doing something wrong, so I would appreciate if you give me some inputs. Thanks.


#include "ros_compat.h"
#include "image_converter.h"

// aquire and publish camera frame
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include <jetson-utils/cudaWarp.h> // Assuming this is where cudaWarpIntrinsic is defined
#include <jetson-utils/videoSource.h>

// globals  
videoSource* stream = NULL;
imageConverter* image_cvt = NULL;
Publisher<sensor_msgs::Image> image_pub = NULL;
const float2 focalLength = make_float2(1445.386870f, 1426.720513f);
const float2 principalPoint = make_float2(808.692663f, 268.506265f);
const float4 distortionCoefficients = make_float4(-0.412884f, 0.084565f, 0.010779f, 0.001105f);

bool aquireFrame()
    imageConverter::PixelType* nextFrame = NULL;

    // get the latest frame
    if( !stream->Capture(&nextFrame, 1000) )
        ROS_ERROR("failed to capture next frame");
        return false;

    const int width = stream->GetWidth();
    const int height = stream->GetHeight();
    float4* undistortedOutput = nullptr;
    cudaMalloc(&undistortedOutput, width * height * sizeof(float4)); // Allocate memory for the undistorted frame

    cudaError_t error = cudaWarpIntrinsic((uchar4*)nextFrame, (uchar4*)undistortedOutput, width, height,
                                          focalLength, principalPoint, distortionCoefficients);
    if (error != cudaSuccess) {
        cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Clean up
        ROS_ERROR("CUDA undistortion failed");
        return false;

    if( !image_cvt->Resize(width, height, imageConverter::ROSOutputFormat) )
        ROS_ERROR("failed to resize camera image converter");
        cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Clean up
        return false;

    sensor_msgs::Image msg;
    if( !image_cvt->Convert(msg, imageConverter::ROSOutputFormat, (imageConverter::PixelType*)undistortedOutput) )
        ROS_ERROR("failed to convert video stream frame to sensor_msgs::Image");
        cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Clean up
        return false;

    cudaFree(undistortedOutput); // Don't forget to free CUDA memory

    // publish the message
    msg.header.stamp = ROS_TIME_NOW();
    ROS_DEBUG("published %ux%u video frame", width, height);

    return true;

Output: Screenshot from 2024-03-23 19-46-33