dusty-nv / jetson-inference

Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson.
MIT License
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could not find engine cache ... MonoDepth-FCN-Mobilenet/monodepth_fcn_mobilenet.onnx.1.1.8602.GPU.FP16.engine ? #1855

Open lida2003 opened 4 months ago

lida2003 commented 4 months ago

Can't run depthnet on jetson orin nano jetpack v6.0, any idea or what I have missed?


daniel@daniel-jetson:~/Work/jetson-inference/build$ ./aarch64/bin/depthnet csi://0
[gstreamer] initialized gstreamer, version
[gstreamer] gstCamera -- attempting to create device csi://0
[gstreamer] gstCamera pipeline string:
[gstreamer] nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, framerate=30/1, format=(string)NV12 ! nvvidconv flip-method=2 ! video/x-raw ! appsink name=mysink
[gstreamer] gstCamera successfully created device csi://0
[video]  created gstCamera from csi://0
gstCamera video options:
  -- URI: csi://0
     - protocol:  csi
     - location:  0
  -- deviceType: csi
  -- ioType:     input
  -- width:      1280
  -- height:     720
  -- frameRate:  30
  -- numBuffers: 4
  -- zeroCopy:   true
  -- flipMethod: rotate-180
[OpenGL] glDisplay -- X screen 0 resolution:  1920x1080
[OpenGL] glDisplay -- X window resolution:    1920x1080
[OpenGL] glDisplay -- display device initialized (1920x1080)
[video]  created glDisplay from display://0
glDisplay video options:
  -- URI: display://0
     - protocol:  display
     - location:  0
  -- deviceType: display
  -- ioType:     output
  -- width:      1920
  -- height:     1080
  -- frameRate:  0
  -- numBuffers: 4
  -- zeroCopy:   true

depthNet -- loading mono depth network model from:
         -- model:      networks/MonoDepth-FCN-Mobilenet/monodepth_fcn_mobilenet.onnx
         -- input_blob  'input_0'
         -- output_blob 'output_0'
         -- batch_size  1

[TRT]    TensorRT version 8.6.2
[TRT]    loading NVIDIA plugins...
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::BatchedNMS_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::BatchTilePlugin_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::Clip_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::CoordConvAC version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResizeDynamic version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::CropAndResize version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::DecodeBbox3DPlugin version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::DetectionLayer_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_Explicit_TF_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_Implicit_TF_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::EfficientNMS_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Could not register plugin creator -  ::FlattenConcat_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::GenerateDetection_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchor_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::GridAnchorRect_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::InstanceNormalization_TRT version 2
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::LReLU_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::ModulatedDeformConv2d version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelCropAndResize_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::MultilevelProposeROI_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::MultiscaleDeformableAttnPlugin_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::NMSDynamic_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::NMS_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::Normalize_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::PillarScatterPlugin version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::PriorBox_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalDynamic version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::ProposalLayer_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::Proposal version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::PyramidROIAlign_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::Region_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::Reorg_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::ResizeNearest_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::ROIAlign_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::RPROI_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::ScatterND version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::SpecialSlice_TRT version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::Split version 1
[TRT]    Registered plugin creator - ::VoxelGeneratorPlugin version 1
[TRT]    completed loading NVIDIA plugins.
[TRT]    detected model format - ONNX  (extension '.onnx')
[TRT]    desired precision specified for GPU: FASTEST
[TRT]    requested fasted precision for device GPU without providing valid calibrator, disabling INT8
[TRT]    [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +13, GPU +0, now: CPU 42, GPU 3236 (MiB)
[TRT]    Trying to load shared library libnvinfer_builder_resource.so.8.6.2
[TRT]    Loaded shared library libnvinfer_builder_resource.so.8.6.2
[TRT]    [MemUsageChange] Init builder kernel library: CPU +1154, GPU +1233, now: CPU 1232, GPU 4506 (MiB)
[TRT]    CUDA lazy loading is enabled.
[TRT]    native precisions detected for GPU:  FP32, FP16, INT8
[TRT]    selecting fastest native precision for GPU:  FP16
[TRT]    could not find engine cache /home/daniel/Work/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin/networks/MonoDepth-FCN-Mobilenet/monodepth_fcn_mobilenet.onnx.1.1.8602.GPU.FP16.engine
[TRT]    cache file invalid, profiling network model on device GPU
[TRT]    [MemUsageChange] Init CUDA: CPU +0, GPU +0, now: CPU 79, GPU 4197 (MiB)
[TRT]    Trying to load shared library libnvinfer_builder_resource.so.8.6.2
[TRT]    Loaded shared library libnvinfer_builder_resource.so.8.6.2
[TRT]    [MemUsageChange] Init builder kernel library: CPU +1153, GPU +332, now: CPU 1232, GPU 4530 (MiB)
[TRT]    CUDA lazy loading is enabled.
[TRT]    The implicit batch dimension mode has been deprecated. Please create the network with NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH flag whenever possible.
[TRT]    device GPU, loading /home/daniel/Work/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin/ /home/daniel/Work/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin/networks/MonoDepth-FCN-Mobilenet/monodepth_fcn_mobilenet.onnx
[TRT]    ----------------------------------------------------------------
[TRT]    Input filename:   /home/daniel/Work/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin/networks/MonoDepth-FCN-Mobilenet/monodepth_fcn_mobilenet.onnx
[TRT]    ONNX IR version:  0.0.4
[TRT]    Opset version:    9
[TRT]    Producer name:    pytorch
[TRT]    Producer version: 1.2
[TRT]    Domain:
[TRT]    Model version:    0
[TRT]    Doc string:

detailed log attached: depthnet.log