Closed SeougnSeon closed 7 years ago
I also strongly hope this feature
Can anybody answer for this request? It would be great if applying customized layer is possible.
Hi there, custom layers are a feature of TensorRT2, the next version.
For now, to add support for custom layers, please use Caffe or your own code. The Tegra Multimedia API which JetPack installs, includes a sample of using TensorRT and cuDNN in tandem to implement a 'custom' function.
For example, the detectNet and segNet example networks that are included in this repo, I removed superfluous layers to get it working. Typically these are at the end of the pipeline and are linear operators (like cropping, ect.) as opposed to having non-zero learning rate.
Thank you for your kind explanation.
I want to add my customized layer in Jetson-Inference demo.
Currently, GIE does not support customized layers as well as latest caffe versions.
I want to add my caffe distribute( in this camera demo by removing GIE.
Is it possible?