dusty-nv / jetson-inference

Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson.
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fail to run ./imagenet-camera googlenet on jetson nano #345

Closed z14git closed 5 years ago

z14git commented 5 years ago

I follow the instruction step by step. I can run the ./imagenet-console orange_0.jpg output_0.jpg command successfully. I also build the my-recognition program and run the command ./my-recognition polar_bear.jpg successfully. However, when i try to run ./imagenet-camera googlenet , it fails.

My camera's information:

nocits@nocits-desktop:~/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin$ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext
    Index       : 0
    Type        : Video Capture
    Pixel Format: 'RG10'
    Name        : 10-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB
        Size: Discrete 3280x2464
            Interval: Discrete 0.048s (21.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 3280x1848
            Interval: Discrete 0.036s (28.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1920x1080
            Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x720
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)
        Size: Discrete 1280x720
            Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)

nocits@nocits-desktop:~/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin$ v4l2-ctl --list-devices --list-formats
vi-output, imx219 6-0010 (platform:54080000.vi:0):

    Index       : 0
    Type        : Video Capture
    Pixel Format: 'RG10'
    Name        : 10-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB

Here is the information when i run ./imagenet-camera googlenet :

nocits@nocits-desktop:~/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin$ ./imagenet-camera googlenet
  args (2):  0 [./imagenet-camera]  1 [googlenet]  

[gstreamer] initialized gstreamer, version
[gstreamer] gstCamera attempting to initialize with GST_SOURCE_NVCAMERA
[gstreamer] gstCamera pipeline string:
nvcamerasrc fpsRange="30.0 30.0" ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, format=(string)NV12 ! nvvidconv flip-method=2 ! video/x-raw ! appsink name=mysink
[gstreamer] gstCamera failed to create pipeline
[gstreamer]    (no element "nvcamerasrc")
[gstreamer] failed to init gstCamera (GST_SOURCE_NVCAMERA)
[gstreamer] gstCamera attempting to initialize with GST_SOURCE_NVARGUS
[gstreamer] gstCamera pipeline string:
nvarguscamerasrc ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, framerate=30/1, format=(string)NV12 ! nvvidconv flip-method=2 ! video/x-raw ! appsink name=mysink
[gstreamer] gstCamera successfully initialized with GST_SOURCE_NVARGUS

imagenet-camera:  successfully initialized video device
    width:  1280
   height:  720
    depth:  12 (bpp)

imageNet -- loading classification network model from:
         -- prototxt     networks/googlenet.prototxt
         -- model        networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel
         -- class_labels networks/ilsvrc12_synset_words.txt
         -- input_blob   'data'
         -- output_blob  'prob'
         -- batch_size   2

[TRT]  TensorRT version 5.0.6
[TRT]  detected model format - caffe  (extension '.caffemodel')
[TRT]  desired precision specified for GPU: FASTEST
[TRT]  requested fasted precision for device GPU without providing valid calibrator, disabling INT8
[TRT]  native precisions detected for GPU:  FP32, FP16
[TRT]  selecting fastest native precision for GPU:  FP16
[TRT]  attempting to open engine cache file networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel.2.1.GPU.FP16.engine
[TRT]  loading network profile from engine cache... networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel.2.1.GPU.FP16.engine
[TRT]  device GPU, networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel loaded
[TRT]  device GPU, CUDA engine context initialized with 2 bindings
[TRT]  binding -- index   0
               -- name    'data'
               -- type    FP32
               -- in/out  INPUT
               -- # dims  3
               -- dim #0  3 (CHANNEL)
               -- dim #1  224 (SPATIAL)
               -- dim #2  224 (SPATIAL)
[TRT]  binding -- index   1
               -- name    'prob'
               -- type    FP32
               -- in/out  OUTPUT
               -- # dims  3
               -- dim #0  1000 (CHANNEL)
               -- dim #1  1 (SPATIAL)
               -- dim #2  1 (SPATIAL)
[TRT]  binding to input 0 data  binding index:  0
[TRT]  binding to input 0 data  dims (b=2 c=3 h=224 w=224) size=1204224
[cuda]  cudaAllocMapped 1204224 bytes, CPU 0x100e30000 GPU 0x100e30000
[TRT]  binding to output 0 prob  binding index:  1
[TRT]  binding to output 0 prob  dims (b=2 c=1000 h=1 w=1) size=8000
[cuda]  cudaAllocMapped 8000 bytes, CPU 0x100f60000 GPU 0x100f60000
device GPU, networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel initialized.
[TRT]  networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel loaded
imageNet -- loaded 1000 class info entries
networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel initialized.
default X screen 0:   2560 x 1440
[OpenGL]  glDisplay display window initialized
[OpenGL]   creating 1280x720 texture
loaded image  fontmapA.png  (256 x 512)  2097152 bytes
[cuda]  cudaAllocMapped 2097152 bytes, CPU 0x101060000 GPU 0x101060000
[cuda]  cudaAllocMapped 8192 bytes, CPU 0x100f62000 GPU 0x100f62000
[gstreamer] gstreamer transitioning pipeline to GST_STATE_PLAYING
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter2
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> nvvconv1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> nvarguscamerasrc0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> pipeline1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter2
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> nvvconv1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status CREATE ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> nvarguscamerasrc0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> pipeline1
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status ENTER ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer msg new-clock ==> pipeline1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter2
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> nvvconv1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> nvarguscamerasrc0
[gstreamer] gstreamer msg stream-start ==> pipeline1
Error generated. /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/multimedia/nvgstreamer/gst-nvarguscamera/gstnvarguscamerasrc.cpp, execute:532 Failed to create CaptureSession

imagenet-camera:  camera open for streaming

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193
[cuda]   registered 14745600 byte openGL texture for interop access (1280x720)

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193
^Creceived SIGINT    ###### i type Ctrl-C here

imagenet-camera:  failed to capture frame
imagenet-camera:  failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA
[TRT]  imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters
[cuda]   cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4*)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())
[cuda]      invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)
[cuda]      /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera:  un-initializing video device
imagenet-camera:  video device has been un-initialized.
imagenet-camera:  this concludes the test of the video device.
dusty-nv commented 5 years ago

Are you able to view the camera feed with nvgstcapture program?

From: z14git notifications@github.com Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 3:40 AM To: dusty-nv/jetson-inference jetson-inference@noreply.github.com Cc: Subscribed subscribed@noreply.github.com Subject: [dusty-nv/jetson-inference] fail to run ./imagenet-camera googlenet on jetson nano (#345)

I follow the instruction step by step. I can run the ./imagenet-console orange_0.jpg output_0.jpg command successfully. I also build the my-recognition program and run the command ./my-recognition polar_bear.jpg successfully. However, when i try to run ./imagenet-camera googlenet , it fails.

My camera's information:

nocits@nocits-desktop:~/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin$ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext


    Index       : 0

    Type        : Video Capture

    Pixel Format: 'RG10'

    Name        : 10-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB

           Size: Discrete 3280x2464

                   Interval: Discrete 0.048s (21.000 fps)

           Size: Discrete 3280x1848

                   Interval: Discrete 0.036s (28.000 fps)

           Size: Discrete 1920x1080

                   Interval: Discrete 0.033s (30.000 fps)

           Size: Discrete 1280x720

                   Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)

           Size: Discrete 1280x720

                   Interval: Discrete 0.017s (60.000 fps)

nocits@nocits-desktop:~/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin$ v4l2-ctl --list-devices --list-formats

vi-output, imx219 6-0010 (platform:54080000.vi:0):



    Index       : 0

    Type        : Video Capture

    Pixel Format: 'RG10'

    Name        : 10-bit Bayer RGRG/GBGB

Here is the information when i run ./imagenet-camera googlenet :

nocits@nocits-desktop:~/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin$ ./imagenet-camera googlenet


args (2): 0 [./imagenet-camera] 1 [googlenet]

[gstreamer] initialized gstreamer, version

[gstreamer] gstCamera attempting to initialize with GST_SOURCE_NVCAMERA

[gstreamer] gstCamera pipeline string:

nvcamerasrc fpsRange="30.0 30.0" ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, format=(string)NV12 ! nvvidconv flip-method=2 ! video/x-raw ! appsink name=mysink

[gstreamer] gstCamera failed to create pipeline

[gstreamer] (no element "nvcamerasrc")

[gstreamer] failed to init gstCamera (GST_SOURCE_NVCAMERA)

[gstreamer] gstCamera attempting to initialize with GST_SOURCE_NVARGUS

[gstreamer] gstCamera pipeline string:

nvarguscamerasrc ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, framerate=30/1, format=(string)NV12 ! nvvidconv flip-method=2 ! video/x-raw ! appsink name=mysink

[gstreamer] gstCamera successfully initialized with GST_SOURCE_NVARGUS

imagenet-camera: successfully initialized video device

width:  1280

height: 720

depth:  12 (bpp)

imageNet -- loading classification network model from:

     -- prototxt     networks/googlenet.prototxt

     -- model        networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel

     -- class_labels networks/ilsvrc12_synset_words.txt

     -- input_blob   'data'

     -- output_blob  'prob'

     -- batch_size   2

[TRT] TensorRT version 5.0.6

[TRT] detected model format - caffe (extension '.caffemodel')

[TRT] desired precision specified for GPU: FASTEST

[TRT] requested fasted precision for device GPU without providing valid calibrator, disabling INT8

[TRT] native precisions detected for GPU: FP32, FP16

[TRT] selecting fastest native precision for GPU: FP16

[TRT] attempting to open engine cache file networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel.2.1.GPU.FP16.engine

[TRT] loading network profile from engine cache... networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel.2.1.GPU.FP16.engine

[TRT] device GPU, networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel loaded

[TRT] device GPU, CUDA engine context initialized with 2 bindings

[TRT] binding -- index 0

           -- name    'data'

           -- type    FP32

           -- in/out  INPUT

           -- # dims  3

           -- dim #0  3 (CHANNEL)

           -- dim #1  224 (SPATIAL)

           -- dim #2  224 (SPATIAL)

[TRT] binding -- index 1

           -- name    'prob'

           -- type    FP32

           -- in/out  OUTPUT

           -- # dims  3

           -- dim #0  1000 (CHANNEL)

           -- dim #1  1 (SPATIAL)

           -- dim #2  1 (SPATIAL)

[TRT] binding to input 0 data binding index: 0

[TRT] binding to input 0 data dims (b=2 c=3 h=224 w=224) size=1204224

[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1204224 bytes, CPU 0x100e30000 GPU 0x100e30000

[TRT] binding to output 0 prob binding index: 1

[TRT] binding to output 0 prob dims (b=2 c=1000 h=1 w=1) size=8000

[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 8000 bytes, CPU 0x100f60000 GPU 0x100f60000

device GPU, networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel initialized.

[TRT] networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel loaded

imageNet -- loaded 1000 class info entries

networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel initialized.

default X screen 0: 2560 x 1440

[OpenGL] glDisplay display window initialized

[OpenGL] creating 1280x720 texture

loaded image fontmapA.png (256 x 512) 2097152 bytes

[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 2097152 bytes, CPU 0x101060000 GPU 0x101060000

[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 8192 bytes, CPU 0x100f62000 GPU 0x100f62000

[gstreamer] gstreamer transitioning pipeline to GST_STATE_PLAYING

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> mysink

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter2

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> nvvconv1

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter1

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> nvarguscamerasrc0

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> pipeline1

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter2

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> nvvconv1

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter1

[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status CREATE ==> src

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> nvarguscamerasrc0

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> pipeline1

[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status ENTER ==> src

[gstreamer] gstreamer msg new-clock ==> pipeline1

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter2

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> nvvconv1

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter1

[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> nvarguscamerasrc0

[gstreamer] gstreamer msg stream-start ==> pipeline1

Error generated. /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_linux/multimedia/nvgstreamer/gst-nvarguscamera/gstnvarguscamerasrc.cpp, execute:532 Failed to create CaptureSession

imagenet-camera: camera open for streaming

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

[cuda] registered 14745600 byte openGL texture for interop access (1280x720)

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

^Creceived SIGINT ###### i type Ctrl-C here

imagenet-camera: failed to capture frame

imagenet-camera: failed to convert from NV12 to RGBA

[TRT] imageNet::Classify( 0x(nil), 1280, 720 ) -> invalid parameters

[cuda] cudaNormalizeRGBA((float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 255.0f), (float4)imgRGBA, make_float2(0.0f, 1.0f), camera->GetWidth(), camera->GetHeight())

[cuda] invalid device pointer (error 17) (hex 0x11)

[cuda] /home/nocits/jetson-inference/imagenet-camera/imagenet-camera.cpp:193

imagenet-camera: un-initializing video device

imagenet-camera: video device has been un-initialized.

imagenet-camera: this concludes the test of the video device.

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z14git commented 5 years ago

I can see the camera feed with nvgstcapture program. Here is some inforamtion when i exec nvgstcapture program.

nocits@nocits-desktop:~$ nvgstcapture
Encoder null, cannot set bitrate!
Encoder Profile = High

##### i get rid of some usage information #####

bitrate = 4000000
Encoder Profile = High
Encoder control-rate = 1
Encoder EnableTwopassCBR = 0
** Message: 08:50:57.887: <main:4564> iterating capture loop ....
Framerate set to : 30 at NvxVideoEncoderSetParameterNvMMLiteOpen : Block : BlockType = 4 
===== NVMEDIA: NVENC =====
NvMMLiteBlockCreate : Block : BlockType = 4 
H264: Profile = 100, Level = 40 
GST_ARGUS: Creating output stream
CONSUMER: Waiting until producer is connected...
GST_ARGUS: Available Sensor modes :
GST_ARGUS: 3280 x 2464 FR = 21.000000 fps Duration = 47619048 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;

GST_ARGUS: 3280 x 1848 FR = 28.000001 fps Duration = 35714284 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;

GST_ARGUS: 1920 x 1080 FR = 29.999999 fps Duration = 33333334 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;

GST_ARGUS: 1280 x 720 FR = 59.999999 fps Duration = 16666667 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;

GST_ARGUS: 1280 x 720 FR = 120.000005 fps Duration = 8333333 ; Analog Gain range min 1.000000, max 10.625000; Exposure Range min 13000, max 683709000;

GST_ARGUS: Running with following settings:
   Camera index = 0 
   Camera mode  = 4 
   Output Stream W = 1280 H = 720 
   seconds to Run    = 0 
   Frame Rate = 120.000005 
GST_ARGUS: PowerService: requested_clock_Hz=2016000
GST_ARGUS: Setup Complete, Starting captures for 0 seconds
GST_ARGUS: Starting repeat capture requests.
CONSUMER: Producer has connected; continuing.
q^C** Message: 08:51:29.847: <_intr_handler:4162> User Interrupted.. 

Terminating the camera pipeline ...
GST_ARGUS: Cleaning up
CONSUMER: Done Success
GST_ARGUS: Done Success
** Message: 08:51:30.391: <main:4574> Capture completed
** Message: 08:51:30.391: <main:4623> Camera application will now exit