dusty-nv / ros_deep_learning

Deep learning inference nodes for ROS / ROS2 with support for NVIDIA Jetson and TensorRT
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using realsense rostopic to stream #125

Open zeesee opened 1 year ago

zeesee commented 1 year ago

hi dusty

is it possible to use rostopic from realsense depth camera to stream this object detection application? type: topic source: /camera/color/image_raw

many thanks! :)

dusty-nv commented 1 year ago

Hi @zeesee I haven't tried realsense camera with this yet, but assuming it's an RGB or BGR image, then yes. Are you having issues with it?

zeesee commented 1 year ago

hey dusty, because I'm not sure where I change the source in the code with the specific topic if I want to use rostopic to stream both in rviz and this ros deep learning application.