dutchcoders / transfer.sh

Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
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http-auth-ip-whitelist over Sophos UTM proxy #623

Closed michaelscl closed 1 month ago

michaelscl commented 1 month ago


In our company we have Sophos UTM as a reverse proxy. I use transfer.sh under the name transfersh.xxxxx.cz over reverese proxy.

I have also disabled authentication for IP --http-auth-ip-whitelist

If I access transfer.sh via the name and this proxy, authentication pops up on me:

[transfer.sh]2024/07/16 09:18:51 - - [2024-07-16T09:18:51+02:00] "PUT /ALUNET%20CED.png HTTP/1.0" 200 "https://transfersh.xxxxx.cz/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0"

If I go to the server directly, outside of the reverse proxy, authentication is skipped:

[transfer.sh]2024/07/16 09:18:54 - - [2024-07-16T09:18:54+02:00] "PUT /ALUNET%20CED.png HTTP/1.1" 200  "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0"

The only difference I see is that if I go through a proxy, transfer.sh identifies me as and auth white list doesnt work, but if I go directly, the IP address already shows the port and auth white list works

Could the problem be the source port that Sophos is sending 0? Is this source port also checked port > 0?

I use docker version tag v1.6.1

best regards


aspacca commented 1 month ago

@michaelscl it is because of the package we use to get the real ip address the request is coming from: https://github.com/tomasen/realip/blob/master/realip.go#L53-L84

it returns X-Forwarded-For, filtering out private address (like "", indeed), or if no public addres is found, it returns X-Real-Ip, regardless the address is private or not. If none are set it returns http.Request.RemoteAddr

We'll have to find a new package (realip has no update in 8 years), that does not filter out private address.

Not sure how much configurable is Sophos UTM, but if you are able to set X-Real-Ip when requests come from "" you should have a workaround

michaelscl commented 1 month ago

OK, Sophos has no such capabilities. So I will wait for new versions. m.