dutchconnectomelab / CATO

Toolbox for structural and functional brain connectivity reconstruction.
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Template json for HCP structural and functional json #36

Open Holmestime opened 11 months ago

Holmestime commented 11 months ago

As in the paper, CATO framework was tested on the HCP dataset, i wonder if you could provide some json templates for some most-used MRI dataset (HCP dataset for example). In detail, there was just default settings in the configuration assistant, and i wonder if there could have some json template for the mose-used dataset.

i will appreciate if you could consider my suggestion.

SiemondeLange commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your interest in the CATO framework! We do provide example configuration files on the documentation site (https://dutchconnectomelab.nl/CATO/docs/examples.html), e.g. for BIDS-organized datasets.

Regarding HCP data processing, we currently don't have an example configuration file available. The reason is that processing HCP data involves greater complexity, requiring adjusted parcellation scripts that utilize HCP-provided FreeSurfer files. In response to your question, I will look into organizing these scripts, making them shareable for the community.

A final note, it is important note that the example JSON files are provided as illustrative samples and might require parameter adjustments to achieve the desired sensitivity-specificity tradeoffs and to fit your dataset. You can find more details in the supplementary figures of the paper. If you have any dataset specific questions about CATO, you can always reach out to me via email.