Closed jhftrifork closed 5 years ago
It's referring to this line:
Okay, it's due to Python 3:
Will the document or the main website specify require Python 2.7 ? Just wasted two days on try install on that. While it is can be simply fix by the below command
# if it is mac - start
brew update
brew install pyenv
# if it is mac - end
pyenv install 2.7.11
pyenv global 2.7.11
# add below link to your .profile
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
# restart the console
pip install tamper
if you are using mac, you can use pip2.7 install tamper
I have tested the above PR in both python 2 and 3 and it works as expected in both versions.
Had to check this issue to know which python version to install 😕
If all works fine with python3 could you release on pypi a python3 compatible version please?