Hi @dutzi ! Thanks for all your work on this. It's a great tool to have.
Chrome: Version 62.0.3202.75
Windows OS: 10.1703 x64
Python: Version 2.7.14
1. Everything to this point appears properly installed, but I get the same error that @Nek mentions on December 21, 2016 in re: Issue #10 . Tamper can't connect to mitmproxy because of:
3. Ports 8080 & Ports 8081 are idle when Tamper/Chrome/mitmproxy is off. Ports 8080 & 8081 are used by "python.exe" when Tamper/Chrome/mitmproxy is on. There doesn't seem to be any conflict with the ports.
Is there a simple fix to this (hopefully)? Would more information help? Thanks.
Hi @dutzi ! Thanks for all your work on this. It's a great tool to have.
Chrome: Version 62.0.3202.75 Windows OS: 10.1703 x64
Python: Version 2.7.14
1. Everything to this point appears properly installed, but I get the same error that @Nek mentions on December 21, 2016 in re: Issue #10 . Tamper can't connect to mitmproxy because of:
2. Using Chrome's DevTools to "inspect" the "Could not connect to proxy" error message leads to this code in the
ng-controller="PanelCtrl" ng-keydown="onBodyKeyDown($event)" ng-class="{ 'proxy-connection-error': proxyState !== proxyStates.PROXY_STARTED, 'proxy-port-error': proxyState === proxyStates.PROXY_COULD_NOT_START_PORT_ERROR, 'proxy-libs-error': proxyState === proxyStates.PROXY_COULD_NOT_START_LIBS_ERROR, 'os-osx': isOSX, 'os-windows': isWindows, 'resizing': isResizing
3. Ports 8080 & Ports 8081 are idle when Tamper/Chrome/mitmproxy is off. Ports 8080 & 8081 are used by "python.exe" when Tamper/Chrome/mitmproxy is on. There doesn't seem to be any conflict with the ports.
Is there a simple fix to this (hopefully)? Would more information help? Thanks.