Closed robert1112 closed 6 years ago
Give me website.conf information and screenshot in Crypto Cloudflare SSL
cat /vddos/website.conf
In vDDoS, please request a Let's Encrypt certificate for the domain using the following command: (It will automatically renew)
root@vddos # vddos start
root@vddos # /root/ --issue -d -d -w /vddos/letsencrypt
Documentation of that tool (
Certificate SSL located at:
[Mon Sep 18 09:34:32 UTC 2017] Your cert is in /root/
[Mon Sep 18 09:34:32 UTC 2017] Your cert key is in /root/
[Mon Sep 18 09:34:38 UTC 2017] The intermediate CA cert is in /root/
[Mon Sep 18 09:34:38 UTC 2017] And the full chain certs is there: /root/
/root/ is CRT KEY
/root/ is PRI KEY
Hi @duy13 Thanks so much for your support. Just to clarify before I doing anything stupid. 😄
After creating SSL, I should put these links in vddos/website.conf to replace original /vddos/ssl/ and /vddos/ssl/ Correct? Thank you very much. 👍
/root/ is CRT KEY
/root/ is PRI KEY
Hi I follow and created the keys. Below is the config I used and I switch it to strict SSL but it still show Cloudflare SSL. Thank you.
# Website Listen Backend Cache Security SSL-Prikey SSL-CRTkey
default http://my.ip:80 no 5s no no
default https://my.ip:443 no 5s /root/ /root/
Of course it is always cloudflare ssl, when you proxy through cloudflare it always use ssl of cloudflare, you have to turn off "yellow cloud" to be able to use Let's Encrypt SSL
Turning off "yellow cloud" to be able to use Let's Encrypt SSL, is there any benefit?
I got a Let's Encrypt SSL for my domain with CloudFlare Strict SSL enabled. Then I got Error 526 after implement vDDOS proxy in front. Is it related to
/vddos/ssl/ and /vddos/ssl/
? I used the values inwebsite.conf
Thank you.I used it in production and I got DDOS just now and It really works against Layer 7 attack. Appreciate your work.