duy13 / vDDoS-Protection

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Error! Captcha error! #41

Closed alexnetwork closed 5 years ago

alexnetwork commented 5 years ago

Hi, As soon as vDDoS is enabled all the sites with the recap are giving this error: Error! Captcha error! Why?

alexnetwork commented 5 years ago

The problem only happens with sites with HTML re-captcha.

alexnetwork commented 5 years ago

Without vDDoS not problems.

ghost commented 5 years ago

You need to create your own site-key & secret-key for each website

https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin Register a new site > [ I use the ]: reCAPTCHA v2 > Checkbox Fill in the fields with their domains and subdomains below and you get for each domain its own site-key and its own secret-key, yes you have to do that for every domain

what you have to do to add the site-key & secret-key is included go in the directory /vddos/conf.d you have to edit the file recaptcha.conf

# (View KEY in https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list)
# Website   reCaptcha-sitekey       reCaptcha-secretkey

# example.com # for a normal domain 
example.com <reCaptcha-sitekey> <reCaptcha-secretkey>

# www.example.com # for a subdomain
www.example.com <reCaptcha-sitekey> <reCaptcha-secretkey>

# sub.example.com # for a subdomain
sub.example.com <reCaptcha-sitekey> <reCaptcha-secretkey>

go in the directory /vddos/conf.d you have to edit the file website.conf

set security from no to captcha on the websites you want to reCAPTCHA example:

# Website       Listen            Backend               Cache  Security  SSL-Prikey  SSL-CRTkey
default no     no       no          no
default no    no    /vddos/ssl/default/key.key /vddos/ssl/default/crt.crt

example.com no     captcha       no          no
example.com  no    captcha    /vddos/ssl/default/key.key /vddos/ssl/default/crt.crt

and now you need to restart vDDos reverse proxy connect via SSH and give this command in the command line vddos restart

ghost commented 5 years ago

I use CloudFlare reCaptcha.

with vDDoS [ vDDoS Layer4 ] https://github.com/duy13/vDDoS-Layer4-Mapping

so I do not have to make site-key & secret-key, other visitors can not see their IP address through CloudFlare, ihre Server IP-Adresse wird nicht sichtbar sein für andere Besucher,

Disadvantages of CloudFlare reCAPTCHA

Your visitors will see that they use CloudFlare.

vDDos Layer4 Mapping:

image: http://vddos.voduy.com/

I'm sorry I do not speak English very well and that's why I use the Google translator. 🇩🇪 🇬🇷

ghost commented 5 years ago

CloudFlare reCaptcha has solved all my problems.

with vDDoS [ vDDoS Layer4 ] https://github.com/duy13/vDDoS-Layer4-Mapping

alexnetwork commented 5 years ago

I use invisible delivery and it works on vDDoS. the problem occurs in the sites that use the recapcha with only the sitekey (HTML version) that stop working by giving: Error. But vDDoS still works. It must be something that vDDoS blocks.

duy13 commented 5 years ago

Are you sure at the backend can identify the query real IP behind the proxy vDDOS; If recaptcha only sees one IP address vDDOS proxy query comes it, that is a big problem. The information you provide is too small, I need to know more to determine the problem. Contact my skype