duyluonglc / lucid-mongo

Mongodb ODM for adonis framework
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Hybrid relationship with Adonis Lucid ORM #28

Open dels07 opened 6 years ago

dels07 commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

I'm new to AdonisJS development, I came from background as Laravel developer, I want to ask if there any hybrid relationship available that we can make relationship from mongodb collection into mysql table (legacy database) using official Adonis Lucid?

Take a look on this repo for example: laravel-mongodb

duyluonglc commented 6 years ago

@dels07 sorry. Current version can you mongodb only

jakesylvestre commented 5 years ago

I think this'd be a great feature. Currently, it looks like the only way to implement this behavior is by using the standalone version @duyluonglc