dvanoni / notero

A Zotero plugin for syncing items and notes into Notion
MIT License
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Is there any ways that can help me jump from Zotero to a certain paper note in Notion directly? #504

Open Panda-Kill opened 2 months ago

Panda-Kill commented 2 months ago

Dear David,

I've been using a plugin that allows me to connect Zotero with Obsidian (Zotero One, which is sadly closed-source). It offers an option to add a button on the main window of Zotero, enabling me to directly jump to Obsidian depending on the paper I select. Please refer to the screenshot below.


As you can see, there is an Obsidian icon. Clicking this button brings me to Obsidian and displays the corresponding note. They also allow adding this button to the PDF reading window and when right-clicking a paper item.

I'm unsure if this functionality is feasible in Notion. Hope you could consider it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Best Regards

Panda-Kill commented 2 months ago

Furthermore, in terms of switching back from Notion to Zotero, the current link in Notion takes me to the browser and opens the paper online with a link like this: https://zotero.org/pandakill1998/items/ZTUQ5JCQ

However, the plugin I use for Obsidian can take me directly back to Zotero with a link like this: zotero://select/library/items/ZTUQ5JCQ It can also bring me back to the specific PDF reading window with a link like this: zotero://open-pdf/library/items/4W8E3D55

Hope you could consider adding this feature. Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š

dvanoni commented 2 months ago

Hi @Panda-Kill, thanks for requesting this! It's been something that's been on my personal todo list, but I didn't have it documented on GitHub.

Currently, the only way to jump directly to Notion is to open the "Notion" link that's attached to each synced Zotero item.

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This isn't immediately obvious, and it also only works for opening the Notion desktop app rather than the web appโ€”which is not ideal for all users. Some folks have asked about being able to open Notion pages in the web app, and that's captured in #53.

As for your second comment, there's unfortunately no great way to support zotero:// URIs because Notion only supports https:// URIs. I've submitted a feature request to Notion, but I haven't heard anything about it yet. There are some workarounds using browser redirection extensions discussed in #78.

Panda-Kill commented 2 months ago

Thank you!๐Ÿ˜Š