dvanoni / notero

A Zotero plugin for syncing items and notes into Notion
MIT License
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Error: Missing Notion Database ID #515

Open Historificando-0707 opened 3 months ago

Historificando-0707 commented 3 months ago

I'm experiencing an error, I can insert the token, but the database is a box where I can't insert anything, and when I try to synchronize, the title error message appears in the bottom right corner

Captura de tela 2024-06-11 192150


dvanoni commented 3 months ago

Hi @Historificando-0707, the "No databases are accessible" error in your screenshot indicates that the Notero integration has not been given access to your Notion database. Please confirm that you've completed step 4 of the Configure Notion section of the readme, and let me know if you're still having trouble.

Historificando-0707 commented 3 months ago

Yes, I completed step 4 of the configuration and I still have this problem

dvanoni commented 3 months ago

@Historificando-0707, would you mind running a line of code in Zotero and sharing the output with me?

  1. Navigate to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript
  2. Enable the Run as async function checkbox
  3. Paste the following code and then click the Run button
    return Zotero.Notero.getNotionClient().search();

I'm hoping to see something like this:

CleanShot 2024-06-15 at 09 02 32@2x

miriamdong commented 3 months ago

I have the same issue. Mine shows: { "object": "list" "results": [] "next_cursor": null "has_more": false "type": "page_or_database" "page_or_database": {} "request_id": "45e160f3-c823-46e5-83e7-f4fed844f7b" }

Historificando-0707 commented 3 months ago

I did what you said and this was the response:

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dvanoni commented 3 months ago

@miriamdong, it looks like Notero doesn't have access to any databases. Can you double-check the integration settings? Feel free to share screenshots of your integration on https://www.notion.com/my-integrations and/or your connection in Notion if you'd like to me see if I can spot anything that looks off.

@Historificando-0707, thanks for sending that response! It looks like Notero has access to several pages, but it doesn't have access to a database. Can you share a screenshot of where you connected the integration in Notion? Maybe I can spot where you need to connect it to a database.