42SmartBlock OPV - [[[[AoT]]/OPV: Other People's Views]]
Situation: <%JAVASCRIPT: situation=prompt('What situation are you facing?'); roam42.smartBlocks.activeWorkflow.vars['situation']=situation; return situation;%>
Who are affected and what are their views?
People or groups affected
What views are they holding?
person1 = prompt('Tell me a person or group who is affected by "' + roam42.smartBlocks.activeWorkflow.vars['situation'] + '"');
msg='People or groups affected by "' + roam42.smartBlocks.activeWorkflow.vars['situation'] + '":\n- ' + person1 + '\n';
var people = [person1];
do {
person = prompt(msg+'Name another person or group affected?\n(Empty Ok or Cancel to STOP)');
if(person !='' && !(name === null)) {
msg += '- '+person+'\n';
} while (person!='' && !(factor === null));
await roam42.smartBlocks.activeWorkflow.outputAdditionalBlock(people[0], false);
for(var i=0; i < people.length; i++) {
await roam42.smartBlocks.outputArrayWrite();
view1 = prompt('Put yourself in the shoes of ' + people[i] + '. How do you view the situation, what are you thinking?');
msg='- ' + view1;
do {
view = prompt('Views and thoughts of ' + people[i] + ' are:\n'+msg+'\nAs ' + people[i] + ' what else are you thinking?\n(Empty Ok or Cancel to STOP)');
if(view !='' && !(name === null)) {
msg += '\n- '+view;
} while (view!='' && !(view === null));
await roam42.smartBlocks.activeWorkflow.outputAdditionalBlock(msg, false);
await roam42KeyboardLib.pressTab(50);
await roam42.smartBlocks.outputArrayWrite();
if (i<people.length-1) {
await roam42.smartBlocks.activeWorkflow.outputAdditionalBlock(people[i+1], false);
await roam42KeyboardLib.pressShiftTab(50);
📋 Describe the SmartBlock
The block takes you through a process of 1) asking for the situation, then 2) asking one-by-one for the different stakeholders in that situation, then 3) asking for the views and perspective of each stakeholder group. As answers are given a {{table}} is populated.
The block works most of the time, but it is not 100% bug free.
✅ Describe any prerequisites or dependencies that are required for this SmartBlock
Only Roam42 is required.
📷 Screenshot of your #42SmartBlock workflow/template from Roam
✂️ Copy of your #42SmartBlock from Roam
42SmartBlock OPV - [[[[AoT]]/OPV: Other People's Views]]
📋 Describe the SmartBlock
The block takes you through a process of 1) asking for the situation, then 2) asking one-by-one for the different stakeholders in that situation, then 3) asking for the views and perspective of each stakeholder group. As answers are given a {{table}} is populated. The block works most of the time, but it is not 100% bug free.
✅ Describe any prerequisites or dependencies that are required for this SmartBlock
Only Roam42 is required.
📷 Screenshot of your #42SmartBlock workflow/template from Roam
💡 Additional Info
The AoT is explained in more detail here: De Bono's Algorithms of Thought for Lateral Thinking and Creativity Part 1