dvddarias / rdocker

Securely control a remote docker daemon CLI using ssh forwarding, no SSL setup needed.
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TLS record error #11

Open benpye opened 6 years ago

benpye commented 6 years ago

I'm running rdocker.sh on Ubuntu 16.04 under WSL. I'm running against an Alpine Linux 3.7 host. It seems to work in most cases, however when attempting to run an interactive command, I get the error tls: oversized record received with length 20527. For example:

docker:root@alpine ben@DESKTOP-L06DUSH:~/rdocker$ docker run -it alpine ash
tls: oversized record received with length 20527

Whilst docker run alpine will complete successfully and running any command on the Alpine Linux server itself also works. Any ideas?

dvddarias commented 6 years ago

Let's try to pinpoint the issue. I found this thread in Kubernetes with the exact same error. In that case, it happened because the env variable HTTPS_PROXY was set to an HTTP proxy (instead of HTTPS).

On a new bash session, disable the proxy configuration and try again to see if it solves the issue. That is:

benpye commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately that doesn't appear to be the issue

ben@DESKTOP-L06DUSH:~/git/rdocker$ unset HTTP_PROXY
ben@DESKTOP-L06DUSH:~/git/rdocker$ unset HTTPS_PROXY
ben@DESKTOP-L06DUSH:~/git/rdocker$ ./rdocker.sh root@alpine
Local docker client connected to root@alpine docker daemon.
Route: localhost:63922 -> root@alpine:53515
Press Ctrl+D to stop forwarding and exit the bash session.
docker:root@alpine ben@DESKTOP-L06DUSH:~/git/rdocker$ docker run -it alpine ash
Unable to find image 'alpine:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/alpine
2fdfe1cd78c2: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ccba511b1d6b5f1d83825a94f9d5b05528db456d9cf14a1ea1db892c939cda64
Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:latest
tls: oversized record received with length 20527
docker:root@alpine ben@DESKTOP-L06DUSH:~/git/rdocker$

I have also just tried forwarding the Unix socket over SSH and with that it does work.