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Happy Ending #3

Open GlyphyIszi opened 8 years ago

GlyphyIszi commented 8 years ago

Implement the "Happy Ending" House Rule as a game option.

This is an official Cards Against Humanity House Rule.

When you're ready to stop playing, play the "Make a Haiku" Black Card to end the game. This is the official ceremonial ending of a good game of Cards Against Humanity, and this card should be reserved for the end. (Note: Haikus don't need to follow the 5-7-5 form. They just have to be read dramatically.

Selection of this rule should not conflict with any other options which define game-ending criteria (e.g.: score limits). However, mid-game execution of this rule should supersede other selected game-ending criteria.

If this rule is selected, the "Make a Haiku" card should be removed from the Black Card deck until its use is necessary per this rule.

GlyphyIszi commented 8 years ago

How do we want to handle games where this rule is not selected? Do we include "Make a Haiku" in the Black Card deck or not? Leave it up to the game host?

There's a few options for initiating "Make a Haiku" to end the game, if no other game-ending criteria is defined. Do we want to stick with one, or let the host pick during setup?

GlyphyIszi commented 8 years ago

Might want to reconsider whether or not this House Rule should conflict with selections for other game-ending criteria.

Scenario: The score limit has been reached, and "Make a Haiku" is enabled. What do we do?

  1. Skip "Make a Haiku" and end the game.
  2. Play "Make a Haiku" and score the round. (This risks creating a tie, which could lead to extending the play to break it. And then what happens after the break - another Haiku, or just end?)
  3. Play "Make a Haiku" but do not score the round. (Avoids creating a tie, but leaves players with no practical incentive to play the round - and then devalues the House Rule in general.)

If "Make a Haiku" is to be allowed alongside other game-ending criteria, I suggest option 1 or 3 should be used. We may or may not want to leave it open to player selection. I lean towards "no", and perhaps add some notice to the player of how the end-game will be processed when selecting "Make a Haiku" as a game option.

dvdfreitag commented 8 years ago

You should also consider adding a game timer, as well as a points cap. Either:

All of which being optional settings. In each case the person with the most Awesome Points wins.