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Rando Cardrissian #7

Open GlyphyIszi opened 8 years ago

GlyphyIszi commented 8 years ago

Implement the "Rando Cardrissian" House Rule as a game option.

This is an official Cards Against Humanity House Rule.

Every round, pick one random White Card from the pile and place it into play. This card belongs to an imaginary player named Rando Cardrissian, and if he wins the game, all players go home in a state of everlasting shame.

GlyphyIszi commented 8 years ago

Note: Rando is not an AI opponent.

Also, some effort should be made to ensure that Rando's plays do not appear unique from other players. If the Card Czar can determine the order in which responses were submitted as they are judging them, Rando will need to randomize his sequence in the response order somehow without appearing too artificial about it. Perhaps the simplest way around this would be to "shuffle" the responses (and represent this graphically to the players) before presenting them.

dvdfreitag commented 8 years ago

This will be easy to implement, pick a random white card from the list of "used" cards, then when the cards are presented to the Card Czar they will make a selection. If it happens to be Rando's card the game is immediately ended.