dvdgeisler / DirigeraClient

Dirigera Client API: Java written client API to interface IKEA's new smarthome hub DIRIGERA
MIT License
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Dirigera API: Updated light state not reflected in Home Smart app #102

Open boukeversteegh opened 6 months ago

boukeversteegh commented 6 months ago

A general question regarding the Dirigera API, not about this repo, but I hope anyone could help out.

I'm sending requests to the dirigera API directly in the same manner as in this repo, and managed to turn on/off a light. However, in the Ikea Home Smart app, the light status does not update.

Is this a known issue, has anyone else experienced this?

dvdgeisler commented 6 months ago

Without having actually tested it, I would tend to say that this is quite atypical. The IKEA-App interfaces the Dirigera's Rest-API in the same way and may receives state changes thorugh a websocket -- including the light state. Thus the IKEA-App also notifies whenever a light is physically switched off. Is the light still reported in the wrong state after restarting the IKEA-App?