dvdgeisler / DirigeraClient

Dirigera Client API: Java written client API to interface IKEA's new smarthome hub DIRIGERA
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WIP: Feature/add speaker device #45

Closed TheMrBooyah closed 1 year ago

TheMrBooyah commented 1 year ago

Started to implement the speaker device. No clue yet on how to implement starting playback on them. Maybe if you have an idea?

dvdgeisler commented 1 year ago

I guess you may control the playback using the SpeakerStateAttributes.playback field. In the IKEA app I found the following enum constants:

public enum PlaybackState {

IDLE proly corresponds to the "playbackIdle" state then. Thus, the enums are look like to be serialized according to the pattern "playbackX". I will give it a try and push the changes here.

TheMrBooyah commented 1 year ago

Yeah I guessed that would be the case. Just don't know what the gateway accepts in the playback field. I suppose all music services