dvdgeisler / DirigeraClient

Dirigera Client API: Java written client API to interface IKEA's new smarthome hub DIRIGERA
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Blind support testing in homeassistant #80

Open dleatherdale opened 1 year ago

dleatherdale commented 1 year ago

I have three PRAKTLYSING blinds on a Dirigera hub. I've got all three to show up in homeassistant via MQTT only up down stop controls available no attributes no position selection, I assume that is what is supposed to be implemented at this stage?

Up/down/stop work. However if you have the blind already in motion in either direction both up and down cause the blind to stop

What else can i test?

Dump below nothing too interesting i guess one hub two remotes and three blinds.

{ "hub" : { "id" : "44632e9c-abf1-4abd-b044-c8b6b98afca6_1", "relationId" : "44632e9c-abf1-4abd-b044-c8b6b98afca6", "type" : "gateway", "deviceType" : "gateway", "createdAt" : "2022-10-31T07:08:49.549Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-05-02T14:56:19.522Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Home", "model" : "DIRIGERA Hub for smart products", "manufacturer" : "IKEA of Sweden", "firmwareVersion" : "2.287.1", "hardwareVersion" : "P2.5", "serialNumber" : "44632e9c-abf1-4abd-b044-c8b6b98afca6", "identifyStarted" : "2023-04-20T03:20:12.000Z", "identifyPeriod" : -1, "otaStatus" : "upToDate", "otaState" : "readyToCheck", "otaProgress" : 0, "otaPolicy" : "autoDownload", "otaScheduleStart" : "00:00", "otaScheduleEnd" : "00:00", "permittingJoin" : false, "backendConnected" : true, "backendConnectionPersistent" : true, "backendOnboardingComplete" : true, "backendRegion" : "eu-west-1", "backendCountryCode" : "GB", "userConsents" : [ { "name" : "analytics", "value" : "disabled" }, { "name" : "diagnostics", "value" : "enabled" } ], "logLevel" : 3, "coredump" : false, "timezone" : "Europe/London", "nextSunSet" : null, "nextSunRise" : null, "countryCode" : "XZ", "isOn" : false }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ ], "canReceive" : [ "customName", "permittingJoin", "userConsents", "logLevel", "time", "timezone", "countryCode", "coordinates" ] }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ ] }, "devices" : [ { "id" : "9b6b7b15-bee7-4760-b50b-bcf4a65cf1e3_1", "type" : "controller", "deviceType" : "blindsController", "createdAt" : "2022-11-27T15:59:24.000Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-04-30T23:33:05.000Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Side blind remote", "model" : "TRADFRI open/close remote", "manufacturer" : "IKEA of Sweden", "firmwareVersion" : "24.4.5", "hardwareVersion" : "1", "serialNumber" : "0C4314FFFE18A7F1", "productCode" : "E1766", "batteryPercentage" : 30, "isOn" : false, "lightLevel" : 1, "blindsCurrentLevel" : 0, "blindsState" : "", "permittingJoin" : false, "otaStatus" : "upToDate", "otaState" : "readyToCheck", "otaProgress" : 0, "otaPolicy" : "autoUpdate", "otaScheduleStart" : "00:00", "otaScheduleEnd" : "00:00" }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ "isOn", "lightLevel", "blindsState" ], "canReceive" : [ "customName" ] }, "room" : { "id" : "ed64e933-704c-40ba-bb6c-9ca7b167e3c5", "name" : "Kitchen", "color" : "ikea_blue_no_58", "icon" : "rooms_kitchen" }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ ], "isHidden" : false }, { "id" : "44632e9c-abf1-4abd-b044-c8b6b98afca6_1", "relationId" : "44632e9c-abf1-4abd-b044-c8b6b98afca6", "type" : "gateway", "deviceType" : "gateway", "createdAt" : "2022-10-31T07:08:49.549Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-05-02T14:56:19.522Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Home", "model" : "DIRIGERA Hub for smart products", "manufacturer" : "IKEA of Sweden", "firmwareVersion" : "2.287.1", "hardwareVersion" : "P2.5", "serialNumber" : "44632e9c-abf1-4abd-b044-c8b6b98afca6", "identifyStarted" : "2023-04-20T03:20:12.000Z", "identifyPeriod" : -1, "otaStatus" : "upToDate", "otaState" : "readyToCheck", "otaProgress" : 0, "otaPolicy" : "autoDownload", "otaScheduleStart" : "00:00", "otaScheduleEnd" : "00:00", "permittingJoin" : false, "backendConnected" : true, "backendConnectionPersistent" : true, "backendOnboardingComplete" : true, "backendRegion" : "eu-west-1", "backendCountryCode" : "GB", "userConsents" : [ { "name" : "analytics", "value" : "disabled" }, { "name" : "diagnostics", "value" : "enabled" } ], "logLevel" : 3, "coredump" : false, "timezone" : "Europe/London", "nextSunSet" : null, "nextSunRise" : null, "countryCode" : "XZ", "isOn" : false }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ ], "canReceive" : [ "customName", "permittingJoin", "userConsents", "logLevel", "time", "timezone", "countryCode", "coordinates" ] }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ ] }, { "id" : "7ccdb455-6b79-444c-94d3-650411f82f07_1", "type" : "speaker", "deviceType" : "speaker", "createdAt" : "2022-11-27T14:23:47.691Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-05-02T11:55:50.022Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Games Room", "model" : "Sonos Beam S14 ColorBlack", "manufacturer" : "Sonos, Inc.", "firmwareVersion" : "70.4-36090", "hardwareVersion" : "", "serialNumber" : "54-2A-1B-8C-69-84:D", "productCode" : "S14Black", "identifyStarted" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "identifyPeriod" : 0, "playback" : "playbackIdle", "playbackLastChangedTimestamp" : "2023-05-01T15:55:57.480Z", "playbackAudio" : { }, "playbackPosition" : { "position" : 0, "timestamp" : "2023-05-01T15:55:57.480Z" }, "playbackAvailableActions" : { "crossfade" : true, "pause" : false, "repeat" : [ "off", "playItem", "playlist" ], "seek" : false, "shuffle" : true, "playbackNext" : false, "playbackPrev" : false }, "playbackModes" : { "crossfade" : false, "repeat" : "off", "shuffle" : false }, "volume" : 12, "isMuted" : false, "audioGroup" : "43e1ee09-da80-4fc9-b7fb-e8be10ab48ad" }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ ], "canReceive" : [ "playback", "playbackAudio", "volume", "isMuted" ] }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ ], "isHidden" : true }, { "id" : "020c25b5-539b-47c1-87d6-d88d360f7696_1", "type" : "blinds", "deviceType" : "blinds", "createdAt" : "2022-12-29T23:00:56.000Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-04-30T09:23:48.000Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Right blind", "model" : "PRAKTLYSING cellular blind", "manufacturer" : "IKEA of Sweden", "firmwareVersion" : "24.4.10", "hardwareVersion" : "1", "serialNumber" : "0C4314FFFE1BE74E", "productCode" : "E2021", "batteryPercentage" : 79, "blindsTargetLevel" : 30, "blindsCurrentLevel" : 30, "blindsState" : "stopped", "permittingJoin" : false, "otaStatus" : "upToDate", "otaState" : "readyToCheck", "otaProgress" : 0, "otaPolicy" : "autoUpdate", "otaScheduleStart" : "00:00", "otaScheduleEnd" : "00:00" }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ ], "canReceive" : [ "customName", "blindsCurrentLevel", "blindsTargetLevel", "blindsState" ] }, "room" : { "id" : "ed64e933-704c-40ba-bb6c-9ca7b167e3c5", "name" : "Kitchen", "color" : "ikea_blue_no_58", "icon" : "rooms_kitchen" }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ "9b6b7b15-bee7-4760-b50b-bcf4a65cf1e3_1" ], "isHidden" : false }, { "id" : "066d81fc-3bd1-4cfc-a92c-3902897a610e_1", "type" : "controller", "deviceType" : "blindsController", "createdAt" : "2022-11-28T16:09:10.000Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-05-01T22:53:18.000Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Middle remote", "model" : "TRADFRI open/close remote", "manufacturer" : "IKEA of Sweden", "firmwareVersion" : "24.4.5", "hardwareVersion" : "1", "serialNumber" : "0C4314FFFE188B89", "productCode" : "E1766", "batteryPercentage" : 20, "isOn" : false, "lightLevel" : 1, "blindsCurrentLevel" : 0, "blindsState" : "", "permittingJoin" : false, "otaStatus" : "upToDate", "otaState" : "readyToCheck", "otaProgress" : 0, "otaPolicy" : "autoUpdate", "otaScheduleStart" : "00:00", "otaScheduleEnd" : "00:00" }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ "isOn", "lightLevel", "blindsState" ], "canReceive" : [ "customName" ] }, "room" : { "id" : "ed64e933-704c-40ba-bb6c-9ca7b167e3c5", "name" : "Kitchen", "color" : "ikea_blue_no_58", "icon" : "rooms_kitchen" }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ ], "isHidden" : false }, { "id" : "564cd352-8901-492d-8140-490be0241574_1", "type" : "blinds", "deviceType" : "blinds", "createdAt" : "2022-12-30T00:01:02.000Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-04-30T09:23:46.000Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Left blind", "model" : "PRAKTLYSING cellular blind", "manufacturer" : "IKEA of Sweden", "firmwareVersion" : "24.4.10", "hardwareVersion" : "1", "serialNumber" : "0C4314FFFE22EB95", "productCode" : "E2021", "batteryPercentage" : 39, "blindsTargetLevel" : 30, "blindsCurrentLevel" : 30, "blindsState" : "stopped", "permittingJoin" : false, "otaStatus" : "upToDate", "otaState" : "readyToCheck", "otaProgress" : 0, "otaPolicy" : "autoUpdate", "otaScheduleStart" : "00:00", "otaScheduleEnd" : "00:00" }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ ], "canReceive" : [ "customName", "blindsCurrentLevel", "blindsTargetLevel", "blindsState" ] }, "room" : { "id" : "ed64e933-704c-40ba-bb6c-9ca7b167e3c5", "name" : "Kitchen", "color" : "ikea_blue_no_58", "icon" : "rooms_kitchen" }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ "9b6b7b15-bee7-4760-b50b-bcf4a65cf1e3_1" ], "isHidden" : false }, { "id" : "5cc35957-b17d-4536-80c0-ffda897f1301_1", "type" : "blinds", "deviceType" : "blinds", "createdAt" : "2022-12-29T23:00:31.000Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-04-30T09:25:24.000Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Centre blind", "model" : "PRAKTLYSING cellular blind", "manufacturer" : "IKEA of Sweden", "firmwareVersion" : "24.4.10", "hardwareVersion" : "1", "serialNumber" : "B4E3F9FFFE8BCDBF", "productCode" : "E2021", "batteryPercentage" : 99, "blindsTargetLevel" : 0, "blindsCurrentLevel" : 0, "blindsState" : "stopped", "permittingJoin" : false, "otaStatus" : "upToDate", "otaState" : "readyToCheck", "otaProgress" : 0, "otaPolicy" : "autoUpdate", "otaScheduleStart" : "00:00", "otaScheduleEnd" : "00:00" }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ ], "canReceive" : [ "customName", "blindsCurrentLevel", "blindsTargetLevel", "blindsState" ] }, "room" : { "id" : "ed64e933-704c-40ba-bb6c-9ca7b167e3c5", "name" : "Kitchen", "color" : "ikea_blue_no_58", "icon" : "rooms_kitchen" }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ "066d81fc-3bd1-4cfc-a92c-3902897a610e_1" ], "isHidden" : false }, { "id" : "0f959100-75cc-4e2e-90a0-c4ab75d619a3_1", "type" : "speaker", "deviceType" : "speaker", "createdAt" : "2022-11-27T14:23:47.838Z", "isReachable" : true, "lastSeen" : "2023-05-01T22:17:41.868Z", "attributes" : { "customName" : "Living Room", "model" : "Sonos Beam S14 ColorWhite", "manufacturer" : "Sonos, Inc.", "firmwareVersion" : "70.4-36090", "hardwareVersion" : "", "serialNumber" : "94-9F-3E-C2-C9-E2:3", "productCode" : "S14White", "identifyStarted" : "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "identifyPeriod" : 0, "playback" : "playbackIdle", "playbackLastChangedTimestamp" : "2023-05-01T22:17:41.868Z", "playbackAudio" : { }, "playbackPosition" : { "position" : 0, "timestamp" : "2023-05-01T22:17:41.868Z" }, "playbackAvailableActions" : { "crossfade" : true, "pause" : false, "repeat" : [ "off", "playItem", "playlist" ], "seek" : false, "shuffle" : true, "playbackNext" : false, "playbackPrev" : false }, "playbackModes" : { "crossfade" : false, "repeat" : "off", "shuffle" : false }, "volume" : 12, "isMuted" : false, "audioGroup" : "0bcc7d56-80ea-4efa-9d13-a2a19874fc4f" }, "capabilities" : { "canSend" : [ ], "canReceive" : [ "playback", "playbackAudio", "volume", "isMuted" ] }, "deviceSet" : [ ], "remoteLinks" : [ ], "isHidden" : true } ], "scenes" : [ ], "rooms" : [ { "id" : "ed64e933-704c-40ba-bb6c-9ca7b167e3c5", "name" : "Kitchen", "color" : "ikea_blue_no_58", "icon" : "rooms_kitchen" }, { "id" : "5269d967-d45b-498a-85d7-51c3947ae70e", "name" : "Living room", "color" : "ikea_green_no_65", "icon" : "rooms_sofa" } ], "deviceSets" : [ ], "music" : { "playlists" : [ ], "favorites" : [ ] }, "circadianRhythms" : [ ] }

TheMrBooyah commented 1 year ago

I think the next step we can take is to make the blinds move to a specified position as well. Since now it's only open/close & stopped. It seems the API does support this behaviour