dvdhrm / kmscon

Linux KMS/DRM based virtual Console Emulator
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Version 8 is now incompatible with X #103

Closed ivan-tkatchev closed 10 years ago

ivan-tkatchev commented 10 years ago

Upgrading to KMSCON version 8 broke X support when KMSCON is enabled as the default terminal emulator.

See further information here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1348174

dvdhrm commented 10 years ago

startx is not supported, nor is xinit. Use a proper login-manager like slim or a launcher like weston-launch.

ivan-tkatchev commented 10 years ago


That kind of defeats the whole point of KMSCON's existence. (I don't need a proper console if I'm forced to always run X anyways.)

Too bad, it was good while it lasted. I guess I'm uninstalling it then.

dvdhrm commented 10 years ago

What are you talking about? kmscon can run just fine without X. However, if you want to start X, don't use startx! Don't use xinit! It has nothing to do with kmscon. Even without kmscon you shouldn't use them. They're deprecated. The fact that they work from the linux console is that it runs as VT_TEXT instead of VT_GRAPHICS. Thus relying on the fact that we can do the transition into VT_GRAPHICS.

Why do you want startx in the first place?

btw., you can always run "startx -- vt8" to start X on a VT where kmscon is not running. It's just the default VT selection of "startx" which breaks when run from within kmscon.

ivan-tkatchev commented 10 years ago

Because I want the system to boot into a usable state (proper keyboard support, proper Unicode support) without relying on a working X installation.

Slim needs a properly configured X, which defeats the whole point.

I understand that the current linux console solution with startx is hacky and deprecated, but it's the only solution that actually works at this time. There is yet no KMS login manager which let me choose how to log in -- into X or into a plain console.

Thank you for the tip, I'll try starting X on a different VT.

dvdhrm commented 10 years ago

What you basically want is a small login-manager (probably text-based) which can start X or kmscon. You could configure it as auto-login so an hypothetical "kmslogin" could work just like startx does now (but properly).

I'm planning to start working on it, but currently couldn't find any time for it.

ivan-tkatchev commented 10 years ago

Yes, exactly! Thank you for putting it into words much better than I could!