dvdhrm / kmscon

Linux KMS/DRM based virtual Console Emulator
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BUG: Starting kmscon crashes active X session #104

Closed X4 closed 8 years ago

X4 commented 10 years ago


I just emerged kmscon v7 and ran these commands: systemctl enable kmscon.service systemctl start kmscon.service My system was just doing a major upgrade (428/500), when starting kmscon crashed X. Luckily my package-manager is transaction based and I continued where it left, but every other OS would be fu**ed, you know..

Why does systemctl start kmscon.service switch from X to the kmscon tty?? It shouldn't. Why are backspace and most other control keys not working? A backspace creates this ^H character Login: usernamee^H It would be really awesome, if CTRL + + or CTRL + ScrollUp increased the font-size!

Running kmscon --version or -v shouldn't start kmscon at all. Here's what I noticed:

~ ❯ kmscon --version                                 [exit 1] 19:38
Unknown argument: --version
[0000.000000] ERROR: cannot load configuration: -14
[0000.000085] ERROR: cannot initialize kmscon, errno -14: Bad address
~ ❯ kmscon -v                                        [exit 1] 19:38
[0000.000000] NOTICE: kmscon Revision kmscon-7 Nov  8 2013 13:14:55
[0000.377031] ERROR: vt: cannot find parent tty (13, 13): Permission denied
[0000.377218] ERROR: cannot create seat object on seat seat0: -14
[0000.388155] WARNING: monitor: cannot open DRM device /dev/dri/card1 for primary-detection (22): Invalid argument
[0000.392589] NOTICE: no running seats; exiting
[0000.393484] INFO: exiting
dvdhrm commented 10 years ago

Please run kmscon-8, which was released 1 month ago. Furthermore, please run with "--debug" to get a more verbose error log. kmscon-8 should fix half of your problems. Please report if you still see any of your issues with it.

"kmscon --version" doesn't start kmscon. It aborts.

"kmscon -v" means "--verbose". That's a very usual argument allocation and I will not change that.

Please use "systemctl start kmsconvt@tty4.service" and replace "tty4" with the VT you want to run kmscon on.

Thanks David

X4 commented 10 years ago

Then I think the gentoo ebuilds are outdated, idk. who maintains it. I'll retry that in two weeks (sorry, am a little under fire atm.).