Open mhmtkrktr opened 4 years ago
#!/bin/bash clear ; echo -n “Entry Keyboard Type : ” ; read ; /usr/bin/kmscon “–vt=%I” –seats=seat0 –no-switchvt –hwaccel –font-size 15 –font-dpi 72 –xkb-layout=$REPLY
Can features such as keyboard type and font size be changed in the current session? I want to create a personal Arch.iso pattern and install it with Kmscon
#!/bin/bash clear ; echo -n “Entry Keyboard Type : ” ; read ; /usr/bin/kmscon “–vt=%I” –seats=seat0 –no-switchvt –hwaccel –font-size 15 –font-dpi 72 –xkb-layout=$REPLY
Can features such as keyboard type and font size be changed in the current session? I want to create a personal Arch.iso pattern and install it with Kmscon