dvdl16 / woocommerce_fusion

WooCommerce connector for ERPNext v15
19 stars 17 forks source link

[BUG] Error Log created when mapping `weight_per_item` and `weight` #104

Open dvdl16 opened 2 months ago

dvdl16 commented 2 months ago

Current Behavior

An Error Log is created when mapping weight_per_item and weight and the WooCommerce Product's weight is 0.0

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Have an Item linked to a WooCommerce Product
  2. Set the WooCommerce Product's weight to 0
  3. Trigger a sync for the Item

Expected Behavior

The sync should not fail if weight is 0

Anything else?

Error Log WooCommerce Error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "apps/ecommerce_fusion/ecommerce_fusion/tasks/sync_items.py", line 165, in run
  File "apps/ecommerce_fusion/ecommerce_fusion/tasks/sync_items.py", line 256, in sync_ecommerce_product_with_erpnext_item
    self.update_item(self.ecommerce_product, self.item)
  File "apps/ecommerce_fusion/ecommerce_fusion/tasks/sync_items.py", line 270, in update_item
  File "apps/ecommerce_fusion/ecommerce_fusion/tasks/sync_items.py", line 482, in set_item_fields
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/database/database.py", line 994, in set_value
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/query_builder/utils.py", line 87, in execute_query
    result = frappe.db.sql(query, params, *args, **kwargs)  # nosemgrep
  File "apps/frappe/frappe/database/database.py", line 234, in sql
    self._cursor.execute(query, values)
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/cursors.py", line 153, in execute
    result = self._query(query)
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/cursors.py", line 322, in _query
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 563, in query
    self._affected_rows = self._read_query_result(unbuffered=unbuffered)
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 825, in _read_query_result
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 1199, in read
    first_packet = self.connection._read_packet()
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 775, in _read_packet
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/protocol.py", line 219, in raise_for_error
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/err.py", line 150, in raise_mysql_exception
    raise errorclass(errno, errval)
pymysql.err.DataError: (1366, "Incorrect decimal value: '' for column `_xxxxxx`.`tabItem`.`weight_per_unit` at row 1")

Item Data: 
ERPNextItemToSync(item=<Item: ITEM001>, item_ecommerce_server_idx=1)

EC Product Data 
{'name': 'example.com~12345', 'owner': None, 'creation': None, 'modified': '2024-07-20T00:10:38', 'modified_by': None, 'docstatus': 0, 'idx': 0, 'ecommerce_server': 'example.com', 'ecommerce_id': 12345, 'ecommerce_name': 'Sample Product', 'description': '<h2>Product Description</h2>\n<p>Buy your product for $100</p>\n<p>Visit our store with your product</p>\n<p>Get your product verified!</p>\n<p>Share your progress on social media.</p>\n<p>To take full advantage of your product, please register on our website.</p>\n<p>The product is published by our company and supported by our community.</p>\n<h2>Important Information</h2>\n<p><strong>Details:</strong> The product details are subject to change. Please verify with our store.</p>\n', 'short_description': '<p>Embark on an exciting journey with our product! This product is your gateway to an amazing experience, guiding you to more than 100 of our favorite stores and partners.</p>\n<p>Get your product today! Makes a great gift for anyone! Read below for details.</p>\n', 'slug': 'sample-product', 'ecommerce_date_created': '2024-06-18T12:34:26', 'ecommerce_date_created_gmt': '2024-06-18T10:34:26', 'ecommerce_date_modified': '2024-07-20T00:10:38', 'ecommerce_date_modified_gmt': '2024-07-19T22:10:38', 'stock_quantity': 0.0, 'permalink': 'https://example.com/product/sample-product/', 'type': 'simple', 'status': 'publish', 'featured': 0, 'catalog_visibility': 'visible', 'purchasable': 1, 'virtual': 0, 'downloadable': 0, 'parent_id': 0, 'title': 'Sample Product', 'price': 100.0, 'regular_price': 100.0, 'sale_price': 0.0, 'tax_status': 'taxable', 'tax_class': '', 'date_on_sale_from': None, 'date_on_sale_from_gmt': None, 'date_on_sale_to': None, 'date_on_sale_to_gmt': None, 'on_sale': 0, 'total_sales': 0.0, 'sku': '', 'manage_stock': 0, 'stock_status': 'instock', 'backorders': 'no', 'backorders_allowed': 0, 'backordered': 0, 'sold_individually': 0, 'weight': 0.0, 'dimensions': '{"length": "", "width": "", "height": ""}', 'shipping_required': 1, 'shipping_taxable': 1, 'shipping_class': '', 'shipping_class_id': 0, 'upsell_ids': '[]', 'cross_sell_ids': '[]', 'related_ids': '[1099]', 'attributes': '[]', 'reviews_allowed': 1, 'rating_count': 0, 'average_rating': '0.00', 'categories': '[{"id": 532, "name": "Merchandise and Gifts", "slug": "merchandise"}, {"id": 1394, "name": "Other", "slug": "other"}]', 'tags': '[{"id": 1395, "name": "sample product", "slug": "sample-product"}, {"id": 1396, "name": "gift", "slug": "gift"}]', 'images': '[{"id": 12346, "date_created": "2024-06-18T14:29:37", "date_created_gmt": "2024-06-18T10:29:37", "date_modified": "2024-06-18T14:29:37", "date_modified_gmt": "2024-06-18T10:29:37", "src": "https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/sample-image1.webp", "name": "sample-image1", "alt": ""}, {"id": 12347, "date_created": "2024-06-18T14:35:15", "date_created_gmt": "2024-06-18T10:35:15", "date_modified": "2024-06-18T14:35:15", "date_modified_gmt": "2024-06-18T10:35:15", "src": "https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/sample-image2.jpg", "name": "sample-image2", "alt": ""}]', 'default_attributes': '[]', 'variations': '[]', 'meta_data': '[{"id": 5183104, "key": "_oembed_eef2ae2c71dddcee8d877089cfe90e11", "value": "<iframe title=\\"PRODUCT REVIEW\\" width=\\"717\\" height=\\"403\\" src=\\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/sample-video?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://example.com\\" frameborder=\\"0\\" allow=\\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\\" referrerpolicy=\\"strict-origin-when-cross-origin\\" allowfullscreen></iframe>"}, {"id": 5183105, "key": "_oembed_time_eef2ae2c71dddcee8d877089cfe90e11", "value": "1718706812"}, {"id": 5183106, "key": "rank_math_internal_links_processed", "value": "1"}, {"id": 5183107, "key": "rank_math_seo_score", "value": "93"}, {"id": 5183108, "key": "rank_math_focus_keyword", "value": "sample product"}, {"id": 5183110, "key": "_wp_page_template", "value": "default"}, {"id": 5183111, "key": "_alg_wc_pq_min", "value": "1"}, {"id": 5183112, "key": "alg_wc_pq_min_12345_to_all", "value": "no"}, {"id": 5183113, "key": "_alg_wc_pq_step", "value": "1

Error Log woocommerce_fusion.tasks.sync_items.SynchroniseItem.run:

 File "apps/ecommerce_fusion/ecommerce_fusion/tasks/sync_items.py", line 256, in sync_ec_product_with_erpnext_item
    self.update_item(self.ecommerce_product, self.item)
      self = <ecommerce_fusion.tasks.sync_items.SynchroniseItem object at 0x72f6cccf6790>
  File "apps/ecommerce_fusion/ecommerce_fusion/tasks/sync_items.py", line 270, in update_item
      self = <ecommerce_fusion.tasks.sync_items.SynchroniseItem object at 0x72f6cccf6790>
      ecommerce_product = <EcommerceProduct: example.com~12345>
      item = ERPNextItemToSync(item=<Item: ITEM001>, item_ecommerce_server_idx=1)
  File "apps/ecommerce_fusion/ecommerce_fusion/tasks/sync_items.py", line 482, in set_item_fields
      self = <ecommerce_fusion.tasks.sync_items.SynchroniseItem object at 0x72f6cccf6790>
      ec_server = <EcommerceServer: example.com>
      map = <EcommerceServerItemField: 9g82ekvjkj parent=example.com>
      erpnext_item_field_name = ['weight_per_unit', 'Weight Per Unit']
      ecommerce_product_field_value = ''
  File "apps/framework/framework/database/database.py", line 994, in set_value
      self = <framework.database.mariadb.database.MariaDBDatabase object at 0x72f6c7ae3c50>
      dt = 'Item'
      dn = 'ITEM001'
      field = 'weight_per_unit'
      val = ''
      modified = None
      modified_by = None
      update_modified = False
      debug = False
      is_single_doctype = <function is_single_doctype at 0x72f6cc48ce00>
      to_update = {'weight_per_unit': ''}
      query = UPDATE `tabItem` SET `weight_per_unit`='' WHERE `name`='ITEM001'
      column = 'weight_per_unit'
      value = ''
  File "apps/framework/framework/query_builder/utils.py", line 87, in execute_query
    result = framework.db.sql(query, params, *args, **kwargs)  # nosemgrep
      query = 'UPDATE `tabItem` SET `weight_per_unit`=%(param1)s WHERE `name`=%(param2)s'
      args = ()
      kwargs = {'debug': False}
      child_queries = []
      params = {'param1': '', 'param2': 'ITEM001'}
      execute_child_queries = <function patch_query_execute.<locals>.execute_child_queries at 0x72f6c7ae9440>
      prepare_query = <function patch_query_execute.<locals>.prepare_query at 0x72f6c791f600>
  File "apps/framework/framework/database/database.py", line 234, in sql
    self._cursor.execute(query, values)
      self = <framework.database.mariadb.database.MariaDBDatabase object at 0x72f6c7ae3c50>
      query = 'UPDATE `tabItem` SET `weight_per_unit`=%(param1)s WHERE `name`=%(param2)s'
      values = {'param1': '', 'param2': 'ITEM001'}
      as_dict = 0
      as_list = 0
      debug = False
      ignore_ddl = 0
      auto_commit = 0
      update = None
      explain = False
      run = True
      pluck = False
      as_iterator = False
      trace_id = None
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/cursors.py", line 153, in execute
    result = self._query(query)
      self = <pymysql.cursors.Cursor object at 0x72f6c7a1e5d0>
      query = "UPDATE `tabItem` SET `weight_per_unit`='' WHERE `name`='ITEM001'"
      args = {'param1': '', 'param2': 'ITEM001'}
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/cursors.py", line 322, in _query
      self = <pymysql.cursors.Cursor object at 0x72f6c7a1e5d0>
      q = "UPDATE `tabItem` SET `weight_per_unit`='' WHERE `name`='ITEM001'"
      conn = <pymysql.connections.Connection object at 0x72f6c6ed3f10>
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 563, in query
    self._affected_rows = self._read_query_result(unbuffered=unbuffered)
      self = <pymysql.connections.Connection object at 0x72f6c6ed3f10>
      sql = b"UPDATE `tabItem` SET `weight_per_unit`='' WHERE `name`='ITEM001'"
      unbuffered = False
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 825, in _read_query_result
      self = <pymysql.connections.Connection object at 0x72f6c6ed3f10>
      unbuffered = False
      result = <pymysql.connections.MySQLResult object at 0x72f6c6d8e150>
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 1199, in read
    first_packet = self.connection._read_packet()
      self = <pymysql.connections.MySQLResult object at 0x72f6c6d8e150>
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/connections.py", line 775, in _read_packet
      self = <pymysql.connections.Connection object at 0x72f6c6ed3f10>
      packet_type = <class 'pymysql.protocol.MysqlPacket'>
      buff = bytearray(b"\xffV\x05#22007Incorrect decimal value: \'\' for column `_d7b0b8e59308386f`.`tabItem`.`weight_per_unit` at row 1")
      packet_header = b'h\x00\x00\x01'
      btrl = 104
      btrh = 0
      packet_number = 1
      bytes_to_read = 104
      recv_data = b"\xffV\x05#22007Incorrect decimal value: '' for column `_d7b0b8e59308386f`.`tabItem`.`weight_per_unit` at row 1"
      packet = <pymysql.protocol.MysqlPacket object at 0x72f6c6f62830>
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/protocol.py", line 219, in raise_for_error
      self = <pymysql.protocol.MysqlPacket object at 0x72f6c6f62830>
      errno = 1366
  File "env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pymysql/err.py", line 150, in raise_mysql_exception
    raise errorclass(errno, errval)
      data = b"\xffV\x05#22007Incorrect decimal value: '' for column `_d7b0b8e59308386f`.`tabItem`.`weight_per_unit` at row 1"
      errno = 1366
      errval = "Incorrect decimal value: '' for column `_d7b0b8e59308386f`.`tabItem`.`weight_per_unit` at row 1"
      errorclass = <class 'pymysql.err.DataError'>
pymysql.err.DataError: (1366, "Incorrect decimal value: '' for column `_d7b0b8e59308386f`.`tabItem`.`weight_per_unit` at row 1")

Environment and Versions

Agriculture: v0.0.1
Customisations for x: v1.2.3
South Africa Customisations: v0.1.6
ERPNext: v15.27.7
Frappe Framework: v15.29.2
Frappe HR: v15.22.3
WooCommerce Fusion: v1.7.1

Operating System


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

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