dvgis / dc-sdk

DC-SDK is based on the open source project Cesium for the second development of two three-dimensional WebGis application framework , the framework optimizes the use of Cesium and adds some additional features , designed for developers to quickly build WebGis application.🌎
Apache License 2.0
807 stars 254 forks source link

基本面,setStyle方法中外边框需要加height(height=0)才能显示且外边框宽度不能改变 #152

Closed EndorphinFc closed 1 year ago

EndorphinFc commented 1 year ago

代码如下: polygon.setStyle({ height: 0 outline: true, //是否显示边框 outlineColor: DC.Color.RED, //边框颜色 outlineWidth: 10, //边框宽度 material: DC.Color.fromAlpha(DC.Color.SLATEGREY, 0.6) //材质 })

EndorphinFc commented 1 year ago

cesium本身问题 参考文档: http://resource.dvgis.cn/cesium-docs/PolygonGraphics.html https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium/issues/40