dvingerh / PyInstaLive

Python script to download Instagram livestreams.
MIT License
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Can't download replay #101

Closed Andy8r0X closed 4 years ago

Andy8r0X commented 4 years ago

I am using:

To report a bug, fill in the information below.

Required files

Please attach the log file of the user you were trying to download (if applicable) and the pyinstalive.default.log log file.
If your issue is related to assembling segment files please also include the JSON file and a zipped segment files directory.
If any of these files exceed the Github upload size limit in size please use WeTransfer or a similar service to upload these files.

PyInstaLive information
pyinstalive --info
[I] PYINSTALIVE (SCRIPT V3.2.3 - PYTHON V3.5.4) - 07-11-2020 04:34:37 AM
[I] To see all the available arguments, use the -h argument.

[I] PyInstaLive version:        3.2.3
[I] Python version:             3.5.4
[I] FFmpeg framework:           Available
[I] Cookie files:               1 (x.json matches config user)
[I] CLI supports color:         Yes
[I] Command to run at start:    None
[I] Command to run at finish:   None
[I] Config file contents:

    username = *removed*
    password = *removed*
    download_path = D:\
    download_lives = True
    download_replays = True
    download_comments = True
    show_cookie_expiry = True
    log_to_file = True
    ffmpeg_path =
    run_at_start =
    run_at_finish =
    use_locks = True
    clear_temp_files = False
    do_heartbeat = True
    proxy =
    verbose = False
    skip_merge = False

[I] End of PyInstaLive information screen.
Command used

Paste the command here that you are running. Don't forget to omit your username and password.

pyinstalive -u "removed" -p "removed" -d "wenyu1025"


Accurately describe the issue you're experiencing with the script.

The script is normal, but the replay cannot be downloaded.

Steps to reproduce issue

Specify the exact steps taken to reproduce the problem. If you can't reproduce the issue try to describe the steps you've taken that eventually resulted in the issue you have experienced.

  1. pyinstalive -d wenyu1025
  2. There are no available replays.

To ask a question, fill in the information below.


Describe your question here as clear as possible.

Google Chrome extension "Downloader for Instagram™ + Direct Message" can play replays, but pyinstalive cannot download replays. In the past, the replay was the separation of video and audio files. Use Chrome extension to see that the replay is now a merged file.

dvingerh commented 4 years ago

The Replay function does no longer exist in the newest Instagram app versions, livestream videos that get saved are now IGTV videos which do not disappear after 24 hours.

Downloading of IGTV videos will not be implemented because there is no way to differentiate normal IGTV posts from posts that were originally a livestream and because they do not disappear after 24 hours like Replays would.

This script can still successfully download Replay videos that do get added by users still using an older version of the Instagram app.

Andy8r0X commented 4 years ago

Thank you!!