dvingerh / PyInstaLive

Python script to download Instagram livestreams.
MIT License
549 stars 111 forks source link

Connection timeout errors #138

Closed hymnzzy closed 2 years ago

hymnzzy commented 2 years ago

Fill in this template completely. Issues not following this template will be closed and ignored.

Check the boxes below by filling [ ] with an x so it looks like [x].

Use the Preview button to ensure the template is filled in correctly.

I am using:

To report a bug, fill in the information below.

Required files

Please attach the log file of the user you were trying to download (if applicable) and the pyinstalive.default.log log file.
If your issue is related to assembling segment files please also include the JSON file and a zipped segment files directory.
If any of these files exceed the Github upload size limit in size please use WeTransfer or a similar service to upload these files.

PyInstaLive information

Run pyinstalive --info and paste its output below. Don't forget to omit your username and password.


$ pyinstalive --info
[I] PYINSTALIVE (SCRIPT V3.3.0 - PYTHON V3.8.10) - 08-21-2021 03:33:23 AM
[I] To see all the available arguments, use the -h argument.

[I] PyInstaLive version:        4.0.2
[I] Python version:             3.9.13
[E] FFmpeg framework:           Not found
[I] Login session files:        1 (------.dat matches configuration username)
[I] CLI supports color:         No

[I] Configuration file:

    username = ------
    password = ------
    download_path = ----------
    ffmpeg_path = ----------\ffmpeg.exe
    download_comments = False
    cmd_on_started =
    cmd_on_ended =
    clear_temp_files = True
    use_locks = True
    no_assemble = False
    log_to_file = False
    send_heartbeat = True
    proxy =

[I] End of PyInstaLive information screen.
Command used

Paste the command here that you are running. Don't forget to omit your username and password.

Example: pyinstalive -df


Accurately describe the issue you're experiencing with the script.

Steps to reproduce issue

Run download followers command in a loop with an interval of 30 seconds between each run.

To ask a question, fill in the information below.


Receiving timeout errors intermittently. The code runs in a loop with a 30 seconds interval. Screenshots of the errors are below:



dvingerh commented 2 years ago

It seems to me that your internet connection isn't very stable.