This is the base waves file (this wave file is tranformed using my script for each map by adding changes like "timeout multiply by 1.5, or spawnchance divide by 2, set map dependent maxGroup):
The config works well, there are enough bots to feel the danger, but not so many for lags or lost bots somewhere on the map.
Using this config, I understand that your plugin ignores the minimum distance to other bots/players for no reason.
In customs, in 50% of raids, I go to the dorm on the 2nd floor and start looting cases. I hear bots walking outside and when they come to my position. But sometimes bots just appear in the room closest to me. 5 meters from the player, so they do not make any sounds, just surprise me: "You think you are alone? No". My SWAG configs is generated too, so it means one shot (head, face) usually.
At first I thought that I just did not hear their footsteps. But 10% of raids I spawned near a group of PMCs, maybe 15 meters (take a look for Globals config - min distance is 35 for small (!) maps). Plus I check the neighboring rooms, I already learned how.
I don't get how the engine chooses the spawn point, how these triggers work, but it seems like a completely random selection of the spawn point without any restrictions.
So, I have several spawners at a distance of 250 meters (because there is a map Woods, there are large distances between spawn points, a high probability of missing the trigger). I imagine a circle with a radius of 250 meters around me, and when I move, some spawn points fall inside this circle, and as soon as the timer ends next time - from all available points one point is randomly selected and spawn is created there.
For some reason there are no concepts of "closest", "farthest", "only scav", "only PMC", just random, and when bots appear - they just ignore the distance from other bot players, because the trigger has already appeared a few minutes ago, when this distance was actual.
It looks like the plugin creates a spawner that waits for the specified delay and then spawns bots even if you're nearby spawner object... When i set timer to 150 seconds, then 150 seconds ago object was created somewhere, and now it is ready to create bots and doing it. In that 150 seconds i can accidentally be nearby this spawn!
So, your spawner is good in terms of stability (it always works and does not create problems), but incorrect in terms of game logic. Please contact me or fix this.
This is the config:
This is the base waves file (this wave file is tranformed using my script for each map by adding changes like "timeout multiply by 1.5, or spawnchance divide by 2, set map dependent maxGroup):
Start file (customs):
The config works well, there are enough bots to feel the danger, but not so many for lags or lost bots somewhere on the map.
Using this config, I understand that your plugin ignores the minimum distance to other bots/players for no reason.
In customs, in 50% of raids, I go to the dorm on the 2nd floor and start looting cases. I hear bots walking outside and when they come to my position. But sometimes bots just appear in the room closest to me. 5 meters from the player, so they do not make any sounds, just surprise me: "You think you are alone? No". My SWAG configs is generated too, so it means one shot (head, face) usually.
At first I thought that I just did not hear their footsteps. But 10% of raids I spawned near a group of PMCs, maybe 15 meters (take a look for Globals config - min distance is 35 for small (!) maps). Plus I check the neighboring rooms, I already learned how.
I don't get how the engine chooses the spawn point, how these triggers work, but it seems like a completely random selection of the spawn point without any restrictions.
So, I have several spawners at a distance of 250 meters (because there is a map Woods, there are large distances between spawn points, a high probability of missing the trigger). I imagine a circle with a radius of 250 meters around me, and when I move, some spawn points fall inside this circle, and as soon as the timer ends next time - from all available points one point is randomly selected and spawn is created there.
For some reason there are no concepts of "closest", "farthest", "only scav", "only PMC", just random, and when bots appear - they just ignore the distance from other bot players, because the trigger has already appeared a few minutes ago, when this distance was actual.
It looks like the plugin creates a spawner that waits for the specified delay and then spawns bots even if you're nearby spawner object... When i set timer to 150 seconds, then 150 seconds ago object was created somewhere, and now it is ready to create bots and doing it. In that 150 seconds i can accidentally be nearby this spawn!
So, your spawner is good in terms of stability (it always works and does not create problems), but incorrect in terms of game logic. Please contact me or fix this.