dvjsharma / Drawn2Shoe

Drawn2Shoe is a user-friendly e-commerce platform. It offers customers the ability to purchase and personalize their shoes. The platform's intuitive interface ensures seamless navigation and usability across a variety of devices.
MIT License
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feat: add pr title checker workflow #92

Closed harmeetsingh11 closed 3 months ago

harmeetsingh11 commented 3 months ago


This PR resolves issue #69


This pull request addresses the need for a PR title checker to ensure conformity to conventional commit prefixes. The specified prefixes include build, chore, docs, feat, fix, perf, refactor, revert, style, and test. Consistent PR titles are essential for maintaining clarity and organization in the project's version history.

Files added


  1. Developed a PR title checker script to validate titles against the defined prefixes.
  2. Integrated the checker into the project's CI/CD pipeline for automatic validation.
  3. Defined clear error messages for non-compliant PR titles, aiding contributors in adhering to guidelines.

To run this workflow you need to enable the following permission:

  1. Go to your project repository settings
  2. On left pane > Actions > General


  1. Scroll down and Go to Workflow permissions > select "Read and write permissions"


  1. Click save and its done.


@dvjsharma please review this PR. After merging the PR, don't forget to add gssoc , level labels and assign me PR, otherwise my points won't be added. Thanks