dvorka / mindforger

Thinking notebook and Markdown editor with LLM wingman.
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Text visualization techniques #1049

Open dvorka opened 4 years ago

dvorka commented 4 years ago



koiot115 commented 4 years ago

Hello! What is missing in most editors (markdown and non markdown) is ability to represent the references between text parts inside the document and between the different documents. For example as it is proposed here: http://xanadu.com/xuspViewer.html and http://xanadu.com/XanaduSpace/btf.htm Actually I'm thinking about simple text based and light weight requirement management tool giving an ability to derive software and hardware requirements from higher level documentation like system requirements etc. It could use text format to have svn/git diff on it to have change history. Markdown format seems to be a good choose in this case and only missing part is linkage/references visual representation. From your list it could be something like that: http://textvis.lnu.se/thumbs100/Skeppstedt2018.png So, just wanted to propose this improvement for your editor. BR!

dvorka commented 4 years ago

Nice and very inspiring! I will think about and about scalability of such visualization. Thank you for the suggestion :+1:

StoltHD commented 4 years ago

ZigZaw, Voyant Tools, and you can do nearly anything with d3.js

Actually... how far would you like to go... (This might be some inspiration)

https://opensemanticsearch.org/doc/datavisualization https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7156366 https://github.com/JasonKessler/scattertext https://github.com/vlandham/textarc https://github.com/gsi-upm/sematch

Edit: and... a new tool I found... InfraNodus https://github.com/noduslabs/infranodus