dvorka / mindforger

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Reference\citation manager #656

Open gekaremi opened 6 years ago

gekaremi commented 6 years ago

Given that the intro mentions all sorts of academic writing, there’s a severe lack of any mention of how these tools interact with referencing softwares. Mendeley, endnote, papers3, and many more I’m failing to mention…

Plugins are available almost exclusively for word and libreoffice, and little else. As beautiful as scrivener looks, and as much as I like the way it structures documents and lets you focus on the writing, without an easy way to cite-as-you-write and automatically generate a bibliography, it’s simply never going to make any huge in-roads as far as academia is concerned.

from https://www.ref-n-write.com/trial/popular-writing-tools-and-software-for-authors-and-researchers/ and I can't better tell it myself, only add some points

Zotero is free and open replacement of mendeley and others, and can be used bot only for academic article or books, but for every internet page(so used as bookmark manager too) https://www.zotero.org/

Papers3 is probably greatest of them, but closed, paid and osx-only


Situation with citations and references in markdown is not so simple, especially with proper-style academic citation http://plain-text.co/pull-it-together.html https://www.chriskrycho.com/2015/academic-markdown-and-citations.html

when in word\libre writer is literally one click


dvorka commented 6 years ago

@gekaremi This is definitely one of my favorite research/implementation subjects of interest - check MindForger for Sci milestone. I see it as an opportunity + my friends/colleagues/me need such functionality (clear value there).

Chris Ward quote gives nice summary of the current state + you chose (again) relevant solutions/apps!

gekaremi commented 6 years ago

@dvorka Thanks! Sorry, i messed up with links

First should be https://www.ref-n-write.com/trial/popular-writing-tools-and-software-for-authors-and-researchers/ (source of citation) but my error in markdown it led to https://blog.codeship.com/improve-documentation-by-automating-spelling-and-grammar-checks/ which must be separate

Now it is correct