dvorka / mindforger

Thinking notebook and Markdown editor.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Future of MindForger #999

Open s0kil opened 5 years ago

s0kil commented 5 years ago

@dvorka Are you currently satisfied with the features that MindForger has? What are your goals for the future of MindForger?

dvorka commented 5 years ago

> Are you currently satisfied with the features that MindForger has?

Short answers is no.

Current version of MindForger is just foundation of much broader vision. Released features allow me to use MindForger on daily basis both in private and at work... which is important for planning short and long term roadmap.

Last year I left my job and spent 9 months working on MindForger full time - happy days ;-) Now I don't have much time to work on it (family, full time job, life balance ~ sport), but I use and enjoy every minute/hour I have, however, release cadence is relatively slow.

> What are your goals for the future of MindForger?

I would be able to talk about it for a few hours.

In short...

The ultimate goal is to build knowledge management system which provides much better knowledge representation than we use today. Representation which is much more concise and comprehensible than text, which can be used both by normal people (imagine mortgage agreement you don't have to read, but can ask and it will e.g. calculate how much you overpay on interest), engineers (software technical documentation), researchers (neuroscience papers research analysis/search and relevant work synergy) and students.

It's not just a dream, but I do have friends, (ex)colleagues and enthusiast working with me (and consulting) how to get there - I'm software engineer (studied AI/ML and work on this vision ~20 years), I have knowledge visionary, real neuroscience researcher, ... and we also have early prototypes of 'live knowledge with semantic zooming'.

Short term future is sketched in milestones of this GitHub repository. Next feature I already prototyped (but have design for much more precise and high performing implementation) is autolinking (turns text into clickable hypertext with most relevant notes in your knowledge base), then I want to productize NER (named entity recognition ~ AI/ML/NLP technique which can be trained to discover entities like person names, chemical substances or instances in plan text - already in branch of this repository) and aforementioned semantic zoom.

From the implementation perspective MindForger is one man show, however, just recently my friends contributed Windows port ;-)