dvquy13 / banksim

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Experiment with multiple classifiers to reduce bias #10

Open dvquy13 opened 3 years ago

dvquy13 commented 3 years ago
dvquy13 commented 3 years ago

RandomForest can easily overfit train data fe2 (especially with only 3000 observations), but test performance is still no better than random.

To control overfit, I lower max_depth and increase min_samples_leaf and min_samples_split while increasing n_estimators.

Result showing F1-micro improvement from 51.6% to 54.6% in holdout set.

dvquy13 commented 3 years ago

Using LightGBM with data fe21 does not result in any difference. Maybe at this point we should shift focus on feature engineering, as clearly we're lacking useful information to feed into learning algorithms.