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ADE crashes when CSS uses viewport-relative sizes (`vh`, `vw`…) #30

Open elmimmo opened 10 years ago

elmimmo commented 10 years ago

Adobe Digital Editions 1.7.2 and 2.0.1 crash when the book's CSS uses viewport-relative sizes like vh or vw on certain CSS property, but not when used on others.

It crashes with either shorthands of margin and padding, like:

margin: 50vh 0 0 0;
padding: 50vw 0 0 0;

but not with their expanded versions:

margin-top: 50vh;
padding-top: 50vw;

I have not explored other combinations.

dvschultz commented 10 years ago

I’ve included this in #22, but I am fine with making this a separate issue as well (this is a bit more understandable and contained as an issue). ADE also crashes with things like box-sizing but I’ve yet to develop an exhaustive list.

JayPanoz commented 7 years ago

Same for ch.

Will crash with shorthands like

border: 1ch solid currentColor;

but not with

border-width: 1ch;
border-style: solid;
border-color: currentColor;

Also, applies to the RMSDK itself (not only ADE since apps/readers using the legacy one for ePub 2 crash as well).

So this bug possibly applies to all the units it doesn't support + shorthand properties.