dvschultz / stylegan2

StyleGAN2 fork with some bonus content
63 stars 55 forks source link

Opensimplex #3

Closed terekita closed 4 years ago

terekita commented 4 years ago

Hi, when running a stylegan2 interpolating colab notebook (think it perhaps used to be in your repo?, don't see it there now), run_generator.py from your repo was choking with "no module named 'opensimplex' " . I just commented out that line in the run_generator.py code and then the colab file worked fine...

Incidentally this is the line from the colab file: !python run_generator.py generate-images --network='/content/gdrive/My Drive/Pickles/network-snapshot-000117.pkl' --seeds=1-1000 --truncation-psi=1.0

dvschultz commented 4 years ago

you can fix this by adding pip install opensimplex in your colab notebook right after you clone the repo. Some new functions added to the generator require this library now.

terekita commented 4 years ago

perfect, thanks!