dwadden / dygiepp

Span-based system for named entity, relation, and event extraction.
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DygieppPipe not working #89

Closed tomhoper closed 2 years ago

tomhoper commented 2 years ago

I've tried loading several pre-trained models with DygieppPipe (imported from dygie.spacy_interface.spacy_interface) -- scierc, mechanic (coarse/granular), genia -- get errors raised in make_output_human_readable.py. Each model raises different errors so I'm not going to clutter it here, but they all seem to be around output_dict not having some keys. Happy to share more details if needed.

@e3oroush @dwadden

dwadden commented 2 years ago

I took a quick look to confirm that this wasn't caused by my recent commits over the last week or so, which were made to fix a separate issue. As far as I can tell, this problem is unrelated to the changes I made. I've found two issues:

  1. Things seem to break for any model that performs coreference resolution. That's what going on with the top_spans error that @tomhoper identified. I think this is likely because some necessary model input isn't being passed in correctly, but I haven't debugged further.
  2. The input dataset is being set to scierc when inputs are passed into the model here. This will break for any model that was trained on a dataset other than scierc; see here for more information.

The Jupyter demo works at present because it uses the scierc-lightweight model, which (1) doesn't perform coreference resolution, and (2) was trained on scierc.

I unfortunately don't have bandwidth to add these features. @e3oroush, if you are able to fix this, feel free to submit a PR. I'm happy to provide help if you get stuck. If not, could you please update the docs and Jupyter notebook indicating which models the spacy interface will work for?

Thanks all!

e3oroush commented 2 years ago

I tried to look into your source codes to find out what the problem was, but unfortunately I couldn't figure it out.
Can you help me with that? I just tried to imitate the codes written in Predictors file in here, but apparently not.
Which part of the project is using this file? I'm pretty sure allennlp evaluate command doesn't.
I'd like to fix the bug, because it seems to be a really tiny one.

dwadden commented 2 years ago

The prediction code is used by the allennlp predict command. There's an example in the README. One way I can think of debugging would be to print out what a single instance looks like when you make predictions using allennlp predict, compared to what it looks like using the Spacy pipeline. There must be a discrepancy in the way the input is being passed to the model. You may need to dig into the AllenNLP predictor.py file in order to figure out what's happening, since the dygie Predictor subclasses AllenNLP's Predictor. Make sure you're looking at version 1.1 of AllenNLP.

There's still the issue that the model will break if you specify the input dataset as scierc, but the model was trained on a different dataset. I think the easiest fix here is:

More info on why this label namespace stuff is necessary can be found in model.md. Sorry for the (perhaps needless) complexity. If I had time to re-write this repo from scratch I'd do things differently.

e3oroush commented 2 years ago

Thanks a ton. I wasn't comfortable using allennlp API, but thanks to this project I'm catching up.
I will try to fix this bug over the weekend and make sure everyone can can use all the available models.

dwadden commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks! Let me know if you've got more questions.

e3oroush commented 2 years ago

Sorry that took me so long, I didn't forget, just was occupied with lots of other stuffs (from getting Covid to passing exams lol).
But the source was a silly mistake from my side. Now it should be resolved with this pull request.

dwadden commented 2 years ago

No worries, thanks for the fix! I'll take a look this weekend.

dwadden commented 2 years ago

I just merged the PR. This fixes problem (1) mentioned above. Thanks for the fix!

The issue raised by @tomhoper is still present, so I will leave this open.

e3oroush commented 2 years ago

Sorry that I didn't get the second problem. I just added another PR to fix that issue.

dwadden commented 2 years ago

Nice, thanks!

@tomhoper you can now predict using Mechanic in spacy-interface-example.ipynb like so:

component = DygieppPipe(nlp,pretrained_filepath="../pretrained/mechanic-coarse.tar.gz", dataset_name="None")
doc = nlp(text)

Let me know if this works and I'll close the issue.

tomhoper commented 2 years ago

Thank you @e3oroush and @dwadden. mechanic-coarse is now working, but mechanic-granular (an "event" model) is not. I used dataset_name="covid-event" (using "None" didn't help) . Here's the error i'm getting:

line 35, in prepare_spacy_doc for sent in prediction["predicted_ner"]: KeyError: 'predicted_ner' `

Any ideas?

tomhoper commented 2 years ago

@dwadden i made a pull request that adds spacy support for "events" (namely mechanic-granular but should work in general). #99
also added a notebook with examples using and comparing mechanic-coarseand mechanic-granular on some scientific documents.

dwadden commented 2 years ago

Just responded to the PR.