dwainscheeren / dwains-dashboard-blueprints

Dwains Dashboard Blueprints
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Area to Paste Blueprint Missing #104

Open LordNex opened 1 year ago

LordNex commented 1 year ago

When I goto more pages, add more pages, and select and DD Dashboard page, the page presented to install the blueprint is missing the text box that allows you to paste the blue print in.


OBoudreaux commented 1 year ago

Also having this issue with both page and card blueprints.

platini76 commented 1 year ago

me too!

mblarkin commented 1 year ago

Same, occurred when I deleted the DD and attempted to reinstall. Have updated multiple times through HACS and manually and haven't found solution. Appreciate if anyone has any further recommendations. I'm sure it's a simple fix just not sure how.

fetetert commented 1 year ago

So I ran into the same problem yesterday, some people have apparently had success by adding a lovelace card to the DD dashboard, or waiting for the YAML code section to load, but neither of these worked for me.

I did find a manual work around though.

I used the "Studio Code Server" add-on in HA to do this.

1) I created a 'blueprints' folder under the "CONFIG/dwains-dashboard/" folder (yours may already exist, I was a fresh DD install) 2) Directly under the 'blueprints' folder I created a .yaml file with the name of the blueprint from github 3) Then it was just a simple matter of copying the github yaml code and pasting it into the newly created file and refreshing DD in HA



reind commented 1 year ago

Workaround working for me: Go to the Dashboard [Home] page: Choose to add a blueprint card Im my case the Yaml edittor did appear. Add a Blueprint card or page ( copy/paste), both types will then also appear in the [More_Page] Blueprint menu

LordNex commented 1 year ago

This is still occurring regardless of Browser, Clearing Cache, or anything else. Whats weird is I have the blueprint installed and can walk through adding the page. but when it goes to actually show the page displays a red box saying that the blueprint is not available. Sux too causes the weather blueprint is one of the best blueprints and gets heavily used by my family(When working).


LordNex commented 1 year ago

I have all of the blueprints in the folder and they show up selectable with green checkmarks next to all of the requirements. But when I build the page it says that the blueprint is unavailable. I've even tried restoring from backup with no luck.

LordNex commented 1 year ago

This is maddening. All the files are there, I can see them and view their contents. But can't get them to load. And no matter what I do, including reinstalling DD, can I get the area to paste the blueprint in.

freboh commented 1 year ago

@LordNex I just manage to enable the blueprint, had the same issue of it now showing up. My mistake was :



I was creating the folder under dwains-dashboard/config/blueprints vs dwains-dashboard/blueprints.

LordNex commented 1 year ago

@LordNex I just manage to enable the blueprint, had the same issue of it now showing up. My mistake was :




I was creating the folder under dwains-dashboard/config/blueprints vs drains-dashboard/blueprints.


I've tried that too. I move the files into my config/dwains-dashboard/configs/blueprints/

Reload DD and then try and add a new page and select a DD Blueprint and it doesn't show up. And there is no text box to allow me to import on that way ether. Once I was able to get it to show a text box and I imported the blueprint. Got halfway through filling it out when HA decided it wanted a screen refresh and now the templates corrupt. I've tried repeating the process over and over and still cannot get them to work ever since the HA Update a while back. The one I'm having all the trouble with is the OpenWeatherMap blueprint. Which is really nicely done and my family love to use it but it's been defunct ever since. I have no idea what the issue is but I known in not the only one so your guess is as good as mine.

LordNex commented 1 year ago

Honestly I'm kicking myself in the ads for going the cheap route and using this addon instead of just building one myself from scratch or using a repo that actually keeps things up to date. Don't get me wrong, it's nice WHEN it works. But updates breaking the code and months of wait for a fix is just not viable to use as an everyday dashboard. Please Dwain, fix this, pass it on, close it down, anything. But trying to rely on this for everyday home use is worse then just using the default board with everything thrown together. I'm sorry if I piss some of you off for complaining. But if your going to put out something as serious as a Graphical User Interface and except people to use it. Keep it updated properly. He'll I would have paid good money if it was so fraught with errors and bugs. So hate me if you want. But make a freaking better effort or give it up. Not one dam update in how many months? 😒

dwainscheeren commented 1 year ago

I'm working on a complete new dashboard behind the scenes , thats why it takes that long. :(

huntrm commented 1 year ago

I got this working in my environment with the following steps: 1) Under Dwains Dashboard (DD), click Devices 2) Enable Edit Mode 3) Add Card 4) Select Lovelace Card 5) Selected a Light Card (any will do) and added it. Then, the YAML input area became available.

This did not work under Home - it had to be under Devices.

fcolasuonno commented 1 year ago

I also created a PR in the meantime https://github.com/dwainscheeren/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/pull/667