dwainscheeren / dwains-dashboard-blueprints

Dwains Dashboard Blueprints
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Create more page issue #126

Open WMunschau opened 1 year ago

WMunschau commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have problems creating a more page. After I have created a more page, the symbol appears under more pages, but it jumps to the home page when you tap on it. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug? Thanks for help.

alf1e commented 1 year ago

Same here

Gammaxana commented 1 year ago

Can also vouch for this, as I installed the dashboard today and the issue is still persisting.

iambucketdotcom commented 1 year ago

This occurs for me as well. Tested with Edge/Chrome/Firefox/Safari/iOS Companion apps - same result on all Home Assistant 2023.6.1 Supervisor 2023.06.2 Operating System 10.2 Frontend 20230608.0 - latest

Pixelhuber commented 8 months ago

Restarting home assistant fixes this. Sadly, you have to do this everytime you add or remove a new page...

LordNex commented 8 months ago

Restarting home assistant fixes this. Sadly, you have to do this everytime you add or remove a new page...

That has worked for me. But once the page is set. If you made any incorrect settings. Such as the long weather page, you can no longer edit it. When you try it takes you to a preview page without any fields to update sensors. Just text fields for translation. It's a pain in the ass because open weather maps only somewhat works and not all of the settings for pirate weather are relative either. I've tried reboots, DD service reloads, clearing the cache. Nothing seems to let you back in and make any changes. I end up deleting the page and reboot and start again. But you never know how it's going to render until you reboot and then if something ain't right, you have to start over.