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RxJava upgraded to version 2.x.x #11

Open nambv opened 7 years ago

nambv commented 7 years ago


RxJava 2.x will target Reactive Streams APIs directly for Java 8+. The plan is to also support Java 9 j.u.c.Flow types by leveraging new Java multi-versioned jars to support this when using RxJava 2.x in Java 9 while still working on Java 8.

RxJava 2 will truly be "Reactive Extensions" now that there is an interface to extend. RxJava 1 didn't have a base interface or contract to extend so had to define it from scratch. RxJava 2 intends on being a high performing, battle-tested, lightweight (single dependency on Reactive Streams), non-opinionated implementation of Reactive Streams and j.u.c.Flow that provides a library of higher-order functions with parameterized concurrency.