dwatteau / scummtr

Fan translation tools for SCUMM engine games
MIT License
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[Unsupported game] Maniac Mansion NES is unsupported #51

Open dwatteau opened 2 years ago

dwatteau commented 2 years ago


There is a NES version of Maniac Mansion, but unfortunately ScummRp/ScummTr has not support for it.

(Of course, the .LFL files need to be properly extracted, first.)

$ scummtr -L

maniacv1    | Maniac Mansion (V1)                                | 00.LFL
maniacv2    | Maniac Mansion (V2)                                | 00.LFL

Well, actually…

 * Game definitions

const GameDefinition ScummRp::_gameDef[] =
        { "maniacv1", "Maniac Mansion (V1)", "00.LFL", "%.2u.LFL", GID_MANIAC,
          1, 0xFF, 0xFF, GTCFMT_8SEP16, BFMT_SIZEONLY, 4, GF_OLD_BUNDLE },
        { "maniacv2", "Maniac Mansion (V2)", "00.LFL", "%.2u.LFL", GID_MANIAC,
          2, 0xFF, 0xFF, GTCFMT_8SEP16, BFMT_SIZEONLY, 4, GF_OLD_BUNDLE },
//      { "maniacnes", "Maniac Mansion (NES)", "00.LFL", "%.2u.LFL", GID_MANIAC,
//        1, 0xFF, 0xFF, GTCFMT_8SEP16, BFMT_SIZEONLY, 4, GF_OLD_BUNDLE | GF_NES },

It looks like Thomas tried to work on it back then, but it's still incomplete and that's probably why it has been disabled by default (plus, Thomas probably tried to add support for it back in 2003, while ScummVM had support for it "only" around 2007).

Depending on an extract_mm_nes set of LFL files also means that our job is probably easier, now?

Impacted games

Maniac Mansion

ScummTR versions

v0.5.0, v0.4.2, v0.4.1, v0.4.0

I own a legitimate game