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Consider making BQM.num_variables, BQM.num_interactions and BQM.shape methods rather than properties #849

Open arcondello opened 3 years ago

arcondello commented 3 years ago

Currently, BQM.num_variables, BQM.num_interactions and BQM.shape are all properties rather than methods. I think that it would be better to make them proper methods.



Additional context If we don't want to break backwards compatibility through a deprecation period

from collections.abc import Callable

class CallableInt(int, Callable):
    def __call__(self):
        return self

works out of the box. Though getting it to raise a deprecation warning if it's not treated as a callable would require something like

import warnings

from collections.abc import Callable
from numbers import Integral

class CallableInt(Integral, Callable):
    def __init__(self, value):
       self.value = int(value)

    def __call__(self):
        return self.value

    def __add__(self, other):
        warnings.warn("In the future will be callable", DeprecationWarning)
       return self.value + other

arcondello commented 3 years ago

Also .vartype while we're at it...

randomir commented 3 years ago

Functionally, it makes perfect sense to me to keep all of those as properties.

num_variables (or num_interactions or vartype) is a property of BQM, regardless of implementation details, and the fact that determining the actual value involves some calculation, or it has > O(1) complexity.

OTOH, I also get the performance argument, and "property calc should be cheap".

A middle ground would be caching. Either of property/method result (in which case invalidation is a pain I assume), or keeping actual num_variables/etc attributes up to date on each operation?

arcondello commented 3 years ago

To hone in on a specific example that this has already come up on, let's compare BQM.vartype (property) and QM.vartype(v) (method).

If I want to write a function that takes either, I have to do something like

for v in model.variables:
    if isinstance(model, BQM):
       vt = model.vartype
       vt = model.vartype(v)

whereas, if we implemented vartype as a method in BQM

def vartype(self, v=None):
    return self._vartype

for BQM, we could have nice generic code.

I think the main reason for the proposal is that methods are more flexible in the long run, they more easily allow extensions later (like the above).

randomir commented 3 years ago

I hear the extensibility argument. If we proceed, I would be careful to keep interfaces segregated, unless BQM will subclass QM.

arcondello commented 3 years ago

Of course, though they do already share part of their interface by inheritance (QM, BQM).

In my view a set of generic interfaces across all quadratic models makes sense.

arcondello commented 1 year ago

I tried a few approaches, and I think

import warnings

class MyInt(int):
    def __new__(cls, method):
        obj = super().__new__(cls, method())
        obj._method = method
        return obj

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self._method(*args, **kwargs)

    # call out a few common methods to raise a deprecation warning
    def __eq__(self, other):
        warnings.warn("Accessing num_variables as a property is deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
        return int(self) == other

class A:
    def _num_variables(self):
        # method version
        return 5

    def num_variables(self):
        return MyInt(self._num_variables)

ends up being the best.

I really wanted something like

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        if name in numbers.Integera.__abstractmethods__:

to work, but sadly it mostly gets bypassed.

Another approach would be to fully use numbers.Integral abc, but that gets very tedious and IMO error prone.

arcondello commented 1 year ago

Another approach, based on a suggestion by @thisac, would be something like


class NewFeature:


import inspect

from future import NewFeature

class A:
    def is_method(self):
        caller = inspect.currentframe().f_back
        if caller.f_globals.get("NewFeature", None) is NewFeature:
            return lambda: True

        # throw a deprecation warning here

        return False


from myclass import A

a = A()

assert a.is_method is False

from future import NewFeature

assert a.is_method() is True

This is nice because it allows individual namespaces to decide to opt into the future behavior. On the other hand, it's CPython specific and requires a pretty expensive lookup on each method call.

randomir commented 1 year ago

I like the from future import feature approach because it's simple-ish and explicit.

If performance hit is too high (TBD?), we can break compatibility only once, but max twice:

FWIW, the proxy route seems too messy, as there will surely be edge cases we'll miss. OTOH, automating the second approach to infer if the next op in ~dis.dis(stack_frame) is a call (return lambda) or not, seems too finicky (and reminds me of our @vartype_argument saga from the old days).