dwcaress / MB-System

MB-System is an open source software package for the processing and display of bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars.
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Prep for 5.7.9beta64, Major bug fix to reading GMT grids #1397

Closed dwcaress closed 10 months ago

dwcaress commented 10 months ago

Reading GMT grids: Fixed a very significant bug that caused GMT grids to be read into memory incorrectly by mb_read_gmt_grd() in src/mbaux/mb_readwritegrd.c. The problem was that the GMT default padding of grids by 2 grid cells around all edges was applied incorrectly, with a result that the topography (or other data) in the grid was shifted two grid cell widths north. The creation of grids by mbgrid or mbmosaic was correct; the problem came when the grids were read in by mbgrdviz, mbanglecorrect, mbprocess, and mbnavadjust.