MB-System is an open source software package for the processing and display of bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars.
Mbpreprocess: Now checks for successive pings/scans with the same timestamp, and adds enough time to the second timestamp (0.0000033 seconds) that these pings/scans are seen as different by the beam edit flag handling code. For dual head sensors this logic only compares timestamps for the same subsensor, so simultaneous operation of the two subsensors (sonar or lidar heads) is allowed.
Mbvoxelclean: Fixed bug in which previously beamflags from previously existing esf files were ignored. Also fixed a non-initialized pointer bug that produced occasional crashes.
Mbpreprocess: Now checks for successive pings/scans with the same timestamp, and adds enough time to the second timestamp (0.0000033 seconds) that these pings/scans are seen as different by the beam edit flag handling code. For dual head sensors this logic only compares timestamps for the same subsensor, so simultaneous operation of the two subsensors (sonar or lidar heads) is allowed.
Mbvoxelclean: Fixed bug in which previously beamflags from previously existing esf files were ignored. Also fixed a non-initialized pointer bug that produced occasional crashes.