dwcaress / MB-System

MB-System is an open source software package for the processing and display of bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars.
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Mbm_grdplot, SEGY data, *.all files from submerged platforms #1441

Closed dwcaress closed 6 months ago

dwcaress commented 6 months ago

Mbm_grdplot: Added colortable 10, which runs from blue to red and can be used for plots of seismic reflection or subbottom profiler data when the trace signals are both positive or negative.

SEGY format data: Changed MB-System SEGY traceheader to include a sensordepthtime float value in bytes 216-219. This will be used to hold the two-way traveltime in seconds corresponding to the source depth assuming a 1500 m/sec water sound speed. This value can be used as a trace start delay time in plotting to account for the source location of subbottom profiler data collected from submerged platforms like AUVs and ROVs. The MB-System programs mbsegygrid and mbm_grdplot use the source depth value in meters, but some external packages need the delay time.

SEGY format data: MB-System now recognizes file suffixes .sgy and .SGY in addition to .segy .SEGY .seg and .SEG

Mbsegyinfo: Fixed calculation and reporting of trace minimum and maximum values.

Mbextractsegy: Now allows output of subbottom analytic data as well as envelope data. Use of the -S4 command will output three separate segy files, one with the envelope function, one with the subbottom correlate, and one with the correlate conjugant (i.e. the Hilbert transform of the correlate). The section plot script generated now will create plots of all three trace types.

Mbpreprocess and mbprocess: Now support merging navigation and attitude from Schmidt Ocean Institute RVDAS format ROV navigation.

Mbpreprocess and format MBF_EM710RAW (58): The command --kluge-auv-sentry-sensordepth now works for format 58 files (3rd generation Kongsberg multibeam data in *.all files) such that available sensordepth values are embedded in the output format MBF_EM710MBA (59) files.