dwcaress / MB-System

MB-System is an open source software package for the processing and display of bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars.
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Fix support for formats MBF_SBSIOSWB and MBF_EM710RAW #1446

Closed dwcaress closed 5 months ago

dwcaress commented 5 months ago

Format 16 (MBF_SBSIOSWB): Fixed bug that became evident when processing old Scripps SeaBeam Classic data in format 16 on a MacOs Sonoma machine. This turned out to be a poorly formed preprocessor macro for rounding floating point values in code dating from 1992.

Formats 58 (MBF_EM710RAW) and 59 (MBF_EM710MBA): Fixed bug in which some bathymetry edits were applied to the wrong pings. Third generation Kongsberg multibeams produce two cross profiles with each ping cycle, but represent these as two separate pings with the same ping time. MB-System distinguishes between pings using the timestamps rather than ping numbers (because not all sonars produce ping numbers), so pings with the same timestamp confuse the beam flag handling code. The solution is to add a small amount of time to the timestamp of the second ping in each pair. The bug was that the amount of time added by mbpreprocess was 33 microseconds, but the datagrams in Kongsberg *.all files specify timestamps only to the millisecond level, and so the added time was not large enough to be recorded differently in the output files.

Mbgrid: Improved output to shell so that it shows the min max values from each contributing input file whether verbose is specified or not.