MB-System is an open source software package for the processing and display of bathymetry and backscatter imagery data derived from multibeam, interferometry, and sidescan sonars.
Add docker files to build images based on Debian bookworm and Ubuntu 22.04.
The images include a full MB-System build, LCM, X11, and applications for viewing images and PDF/PS (EOG, Evince, gv, gimp).
The existing Alpine docker file was updated to build the latest MB-System version (using cmake).
However, it is not currently capable of running the complete MB-System suite, as gv dependency ghostscript with X11 support appears to be broken.
Scripting (docker/user/run-mbsuite) is included to help run MB-System applications from docker containers.
Tested (build, run) using a sample workflow on MacOS (Monterey) and Ubuntu 22.04 VM hosts.
Add docker files to build images based on Debian bookworm and Ubuntu 22.04. The images include a full MB-System build, LCM, X11, and applications for viewing images and PDF/PS (EOG, Evince, gv, gimp).
The existing Alpine docker file was updated to build the latest MB-System version (using cmake). However, it is not currently capable of running the complete MB-System suite, as gv dependency ghostscript with X11 support appears to be broken.
Scripting (docker/user/run-mbsuite) is included to help run MB-System applications from docker containers.
Tested (build, run) using a sample workflow on MacOS (Monterey) and Ubuntu 22.04 VM hosts.