dweb-camp-2019 / organizing

Repository for the organizing of Decentralized Web Camp 2019 🚧
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Form Working Group: Saturday Night Sharing Expo #80

Closed whanamura closed 4 years ago

whanamura commented 5 years ago

Sharing Expo (Saturday): Wendy 9:30-Midnight

Description Final night - people open up and share Multiple Venues for sharing Not everyone wants to share

WALL OF BREAK-THRUS: Post thru the week Signage-- Photos Artwork Do the final sharing in front of this wall

Video Sharing Booth: Vine-length testimony

Slide-show Slideshow at end***

Sharing: Storytelling Circle dome? Framed with a positive prompt? Powerpoint Karaoke/Improv? - needs facilitator What do people want to work on What was your biggest Breakthru? Demos? Discussion outcomes? Group conclusions? Sharing personal transformation? Gratitudes**

Exhibition--art creations Talent Show Music Skits Juggler

whanamura commented 5 years ago

STORYTELLING CIRCLE Notes from Talk with Mikey Williams, Scuttlebutt (co-coordinator of Story Circle with Mix Irving)

  1. Create a room with soft lighting
  2. create a focal point-- an empty seat;
  3. Circle of seats around that.
  4. Invite everyone in.
  5. Facilitator in the middle. Calm.
  6. Heart Sharing circle-- invitation: we're each going to get an opportunity to speak. Not a conversation. It's a one directional broadcast. One story per person. (a couple of minutes each is perfect).
  7. History of the practice: New Zealand story circles for centuries
  8. Prompt: positive topic or frame
  9. Have someone experienced go first and second
  10. If you are sitting listening and feel your heart pumping-- that's probably time for you to take the chair and speak.
  11. Can only come or leave between stories
  12. Go 1.5 to 2 hours. Warning before close.


  1. Quiet space; maybe cushions on the floor;
  2. Lights or candles; accent lighting
  3. Can be in a rectangular room.