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Import problem with same SKU #75

Open Josch- opened 10 years ago

Josch- commented 10 years ago


we have two installations of Magento - one with version (productive) and the same as a test environment on Magento version We use a module with which we can set up prices on store view level (Innoexts Advanced Pricing).

On both installations we are using MAGMI 0.7.19a We have 4 store views: "de", "en", "b2bde", "b2ben"

The problem:

We import something like this:

store;sku;price "admin";"12345";"20.0000" "b2bde,b2ben";"12345";"25.0000"

That works perfect on

But on the second line overwrites ALL values of the particular SKU, so that all 4 store vies get "25.0000" for the SKU "12345".

This seems as if MAGMI doesn't set the store view codes or overwrites something that it shouldn't.

What could that be?

Best wishes,


dweeves commented 10 years ago

i suppose your "price" scope is still "global" (viewed from magmi). Maybe your extension is not changing the core magento db values for price scope. maybe also price attribute is global. It's difficult to analyze this problem without investigating your particular setup & the way the extension works.

ogronau commented 9 years ago

We have a very similar problem importing different prices on a website level. We have (at least concerning this issue) an unmodified CE.

The attribute scope is "fixed" from 2 ("website") to 1 ("global") in l.1016 of magmi/engines/magmi_productimportengine.php:

// get item store id for the current attribute
//if is global then , global scope applies but if configurable, back to store view scope since
//it's a select

Maybe that line was only introduced to "fix" the scope from 1 ("global") to 0 ("store view"), as the comment suggests. Maybe you should differentiate more careful between all the possible combinations of "is_global" and "is_configurable".

YvesPasteur commented 9 years ago


We have the same problem with a Magento 1.9.1 CE

I agree with ogronau. When attributes have a website scope and are configurables, Magmi imports them as if they have a global scope.