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Magmi media_gallery is not adding multiple images #85

Open rizwan-zeropoint opened 10 years ago

rizwan-zeropoint commented 10 years ago

I am trying to add multiple images from CDN url's My image paths are different but my image name is same for all images here is example value of my media_gallery attribute value in CSV file

http://cdn.xyz.com/products/26/a/2/d/a/sutra-leather-hobo-bag.jpg::26DVF-H2266055N13 _label;http://cdn.xyz.com/products/26/a/2/d/a/sutra-leather-hobo-bag.jpg::26DVF-H2266055N13 _label;http://cdn.xyz.com/products/26/8/d/8/7/sutra-leather-hobo-bag.jpg::26DVF-H2266055N13 _label;http://cdn.xyz.com/products/26/1/9/0/f/sutra-leather-hobo-bag.jpg::26DVF-H2266055N13 _label;http://cdn.xyz.com/products/26/3/9/8/9/sutra-leather-hobo-bag.jpg::26DVF-H2266055N13 _label;http://cdn.xyz.com/products/26/4/8/9/1/sutra-leather-hobo-bag.jpg::26DVF-H2266055N13 _label;http://cdn.xyz.com/products/26/c/d/3/5/sutra-leather-hobo-bag.jpg::26DVF-H2266055N13 _label

It seems it considers all images as same and adds one or overwrites it. In the magento admin it shows only one image. If I add images with different names it works fine. what can be the issue?

dweeves commented 10 years ago

for this case, the image renaming feature is necessary (using the regex syntax that enable capturing part of a name to build another "unique" one).

trs998 commented 9 years ago

This image rename code will generate a new name for the image and ignore the existing name (they cannot be duplicates, and the imageindex means a new number is assigned for each entry in the gallery) {item.sku}_{meta.imageindex}.{meta.imagename.ext}